Big Brother 22 All-Stars live feed spoilers: Who won the final four Veto?

Big Brother

We don’t have to tell you that the final four Veto is important within the Big Brother 22 All-Stars game. This is one of the most critical points of the entire season! Multiple players have a chance here to really take the game into their own hands like never before.

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For those who have not heard as of yet, let’s go ahead and break down where things stood entering the competition. Enzo won Head of Household, and we know that his desire is to get Nicole out of the game before final three. The problem is nobody else really wants that. Cody would like to see Christmas go, whereas Christmas would lean more towards getting out Cody. Nicole winning would put her in a rather precarious spot — we know that she would like to go to the end with Christmas, but will she cut someone she knows outside of the house in order to do so? There are a lot of interesting scenarios that could happen here — Cody winning is really the only one that is boring.

Shortly after the Veto was over, the results were made pretty clear: It was Cody who managed to take it home. The competition required everyone to know the days and to be fast — and Cody has both of those down pat. He’s also so fast physically that it’s pretty tough for anyone defeat him. For now, it feels like he’s in a fantastic spot.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 22 All-Stars now

What do you think about the final four Veto within Big Brother 22 All-Stars?

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