Big Brother 22 All-Stars live feed spoilers: What are the nominations?


The nomination ceremony happened earlier this afternoon in the Big Brother 22 All-Starsand it was mostly a low-key affair. As a matter of fact, it’s so low-key that nobody is talking all that much about it.

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With that being said, it’s fairly easy to figure out what the nominations most-likely were. All signs at the moment point towards Head of Household Enzo nominating Nicole and Christmas for eviction. They were the two people he was working with the least at the moment, and while largely symbolic (the Veto matters so much more this week), he probably did not want to do anything that would leave him in some hot water with Cody. He still has to think about if Cody wins the final HoH — would he be taken to the end of the game?

What we can say for sure is that Christmas is seemingly upset at Enzo for the nomination. Why? She probably wanted to be told first … but the irony there is that because these don’t really matter, Enzo probably didn’t think it was that important.

For now, we have the Veto tomorrow to look forward to. The most interesting scenario is probably this — Enzo wins Veto and then tries to convince Christmas to evict Nicole if he removes her from the block. If Christmas agrees to it, does she then betray Enzo and get rid of Cody? There are a lot of Veto variables that are still possible, and there’s a little hope that we could at least get an interesting next few days.

Related News Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to Big Brother 22

Who do you want to see evicted on Big Brother 22 All-Stars this week?

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