Big Brother 22 All-Stars live feed spoilers: Is Enzo worried about Nicole?
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Following the Veto Ceremony, it remained clear that Memphis was the target of Head of Household Nicole, and that Cody was especially on board with making this move. Why? It’s mostly a reference to the fact that he’s a bigger competition threat than Christmas in Cody’s mind.
Yet, we’re starting to get more and more of a sense that Enzo is slightly concerned with the current state of things — not overly so as of yet, but he’s worried about Nicole’s spot in the game. He knows that she is someone who could pull Cody away from him. Not only that, but he also finds himself concerned that she is going to be able to win in the event she makes it to the end. His philosophy is that a lot of Big Brother is about what you’ve done lately, and he realizes that Nicole has won some competitions and her gameplay may be fresher in people’s minds. Enzo needs to start plotting and planning — or, he needs to win the final four HoH and Veto in order to ensure that he gets what he wants out of this game.
Here’s what we wonder at the moment — what happens if Nicole wins the final four Veto on an Enzo HoH? Does she cut Cody at that point to go to the final three with Christmas, who she is much more likely to beat?
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