FX announces ‘Justified’ season 4 premiere date, return of Charlie Sheen

Anger ManagementJust as their fall slate is coming to a close with “Sons of Anarchy,” “The League,” and “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” FX is doing their best to prepare for the launch of many of their winter shows. This time around, there are some interesting moves made here, especially when it comes to starting up Charlie Sheen’s “Anger Management” literally immediately following his former show “Two and a Half Men” on FX.

“Anger Management” will return with new episodes on Thursday, January 17 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, though it is unclear if the network will air back-to-back new episodes every week, or they are just doing it once as they did when they kicked off the show to huge ratings over the summer. Regardless, Sheen’s show will be followed up by the “Archer” season 4 premiere and “Legit,” a new show about a stand-up comedian now living in Los Angeles.

As for what many people are perhaps the most excited to hear about at the moment, “Justified” season 4 is slated to start back up with new episodes on Tuesday, January 8 at 10:00 p.m., and the network even gave out a brief synopsis of what we can expect to see coming up:

“Raylan will start to pick at the thread of a cold case over 30 years in the making, unraveling a riddle that echoes all the way back to his boyhood and his criminal father’s bad dealings. Meanwhile, Boyd Crowder finds his grip on Harlan loosening due to a Pentecostal preacher with a penchant for theatrics and a knack for manipulation to rival his own.”

What show are you the most excited to see coming back? Just in case you haven’t heard Sheen’s recent comments about the meltdown of Angus T. Jones on “Two and a Half Men,” you can read the story here.

Photo: FX

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