Is Stargirl new tonight on DC Universe, The CW? A look to the future


Is Stargirl new this week on either DC Universe or The CW? If you’re looking for an answer to that question, or more information on the future, we’ve got it for you within.

Let’s go ahead now and get some of the bad news out of the way — there is nothing more happening with the superhero series this week, and there is a simple reason for it: Last week was the finale! We are now in the midst of what is going to be a lengthy waiting game for new episodes, one that will probably continue for quite some time as we move into the new year.

What we at least know at the moment is simply this: There will be a season 2 of Stargirl coming up. Not only that, but it’s going to be airing on The CW exclusively. We know that there are some people who have some concerns over that, but for the time being, we’re trying our best to not freak out over it. This is still the same cast and creative team and even if there are budgetary restrictions, there may be creative methods to figure them out. We do think that both the style and theme of the show will prove to be very much the same that they have always been.

As for what is out there story-wise about the future of Stargirl, it mostly has to do with this: There are new villains coming, with Shade certainly proving to be one of the more exciting additions. Maybe the ISA will still have some sort of role, but we foresee the writers taking things to some unexpected places. Maybe Courtney and the rest of the crew now are more experienced as superheroes, but that doesn’t mean that they are going to be able to execute everything they want in precisely the way that they want to.

Related News Be sure to get some further insight right now when it comes to Stargirl

What do you want to see on Stargirl moving forward into season 2?

Are you sad that there are no more episodes to dive into? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around in the event you want some other news pertaining to the series. (Photo: The CW.)

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