Is Big Brother 22 new tonight, delayed at CBS? What to know

Big Brother

Is Big Brother 22 new tonight on CBS? Within this piece, we’re going to do our best to take a look at that and more.

Let’s go ahead and start with the good news — there is going to be a new episode of the series coming onto the network tonight. The bad news is that you’re probably going to be stuck waiting for it to air for a good while now. CBS is currently scheduling this episode for 10:00 p.m. Eastern, where it will air after the PGA Championship and then also 60 Minutes.

For some more news when it comes to Big Brother 22 in video form, be sure to watch the latest below! Once you do that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news and then view our show playlist. We’ll have other news soon enough!

Yet, this episode may very well later even later than 10:00 depending on if there is a golf overrun or not. This is something that show host Julie Chen warned everyone about at the end of this past episode. We anticipate that this will be a point of frustration for a LOT of different people, especially since there’s going to be a real demand for there to be some content on the air.

As for what you’re going to see in this episode when it does air, be prepared in order to see some of the first action following Cody’s Head of Household win. Meanwhile, we’re also going to see the first occurrence of the Safety Suite, a power that can render up to two people immune from a given elimination. That could change up some decisions made in the house in a number of different, rather-exciting ways. Shouldn’t that prove to be interesting to watch?

Update: The show will now start at 10:07 p.m. Eastern. All in all, that’s not too much later.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother, including the latest from the live feeds

What do you want to see when it comes to the Big Brother 22 episode tonight?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, be sure to stick around for some other news on the show. (Photo: CBS.)

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