The Bachelorette: Clare Crawley talks ‘googling’ her contestants


It should be clear to everyone at this point that Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette is fundamentally different than any other that we’ve ever seen. How could it not be? It was originally set to film this March, the entire cast was released, but then the health crisis halted things right before production. Since that time producers have been working to construct a plan that makes filming possible — one that includes testing in order to ensure that everyone is in the clear and also quarantining the cast and crew.

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It’s going to be a bizarre experience, and it’s one that could be starting up production soon! July is a start time that has been floated out there, and while Clare did not confirm that in a new Bachelor Happy Hour podcast interview, she did make it clear that she’s learned when she’ll be heading down to the show’s location:

“I’m still in shock, I’m gonna be honest. I am so hyped about it! Last week, I literally was, like, ‘Is this even — is this happening?’ Like, I have no idea … As a matter of fact, I found out maybe two hours ago actually when I’ll be going down and the final day that I’m leaving so it’s very, very soon!”

Clare admitted that she also “googled” all of the people on are on her season, as any person probably would who have this much time on their hands. She’s a public figure, so obviously the guys have been doing the same. There may still be some who are relative unknowns when filming starts, though, as we have a hard time believing that the same exact cast as announced earlier this year will be the cast who is there for this season. We know there’s been talk already about going out and finding contestants who are a little closer to Clare’s age. (Most of them were the prototypical dudes in their mid-twenties.)

Are you excited for Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette to get underway?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember to stick around — more updates will be out there the moment that we have them. (Photo: ABC.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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