World of Dance video: Kurtis Sprung delivers powerful audition

World of Dance

The World of Dance qualifiers are continuing tonight on NBC, and that means a chance to get to know some new talent! This is where Kurtis Sprung enters the picture.

So what do we know about Kurtis at the moment? Not too much, save for the fact that he is supremely athletic, obviously gifted at what he does, and he has a real talent at moving and contorting his body to music. He’s a contemporary dancer, but it doesn’t feel as though he is limited to any one style. He finds a way to make almost anything that he is doing feel unique and there is something very-much cool about that.

Also, being able to do all of these moves while wearing jeans is a feat in itself. We can barely even run in them sometimes.

Derek Hough speaks a little bit about his style of movement at the end of the sneak peek below, and we agree that there is something interesting about his “awkward” style of movement. It almost defies the laws of physics and it’s interesting to watch, since it doesn’t feel like you know where things are going from one dance move to the next. He’s not a conventional dancer by any means and that’s one of the things that we like about him.

Of course, anytime you see an audition like this you want to start imagining the performer in a different position doing some different things, and we definitely do think that there are a lot of other routines and styles someone like Kurtis could interpret. Our hope is that moving forward, he’ll continue to push and challenge himself … precisely as he’s also challenging a lot of us as viewers with the way in which he moves around.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to World of Dance right now!

What do you think about Kurtis Sprung as a World of Dance contender?

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