Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Diagnostic, antibody tests, & pets

Last Week Tonight

On the latest new episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliverit didn’t take a whole lot of time in order to get to the meat of the show. We knew that we were going to be discussing the health crisis again, and there were a lot of different angles that the show could take.

First and foremost, the focus was on testing — and the lack thereof. It is the lack of testing that led to a number of people having to stay at home. There were a number of reasons for the delay in some of these tests, whether it be the lack of resources, shipping, or other technical issues that made matters incredibly difficult. It’s also been difficult for a number of labs to get equipment in order to produce everything that they need. The lack of diagnostic tests is one of the biggest problems with taking care of the pandemic and keeping people safe.

Then, Oliver also talked all about antibody tests and just how important some of them are. Antibodies are important for helping people feel a little more safe, but there’s no guarantee that people who have the virus will have the antibodies in order to remain immune.

The message at the end of the episode was a rather somber one, but true — we’re just not where we need to be just yet when it comes to testing or the state of the country. We’d love to be in an era where a show like Last Week Tonight can take on other subjects, but the truth is that we need to be reminded of this stuff. We’re all getting a little antsy at this point.

If all of this was too tough and depressing, we did end with a segment on Florida … and then also pets, because everyone loves pets.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Last Week Tonight!

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