ABC’s ‘Castle’ season 5 spoilers: Cracking the code in ‘After Hours’
“Castle” season 5 has already ventured into the worlds of science fiction, rock music, and even Christmas in the near future; but on Monday night’s new episode, we are going to see the show venture into a world that seems on the surface somewhat similar to “The Da Vinci Code.”
There is not too much known about this episode just yet in comparison to what we knew about some other installments prior to them airing, but here is what we do have the knowledge of at this very moment: the episode is called “After Hours,” and there will be some sort of connection also to the mob in here as the two have to pick up a witness who is key to an extremely complicated case.
In addition to all of this, Castle / Beckett fans are going to love the fact that we will have a “meet the parents” sort of situation on our hands when Castle’s mother and Beckett’s father end up meeting; and ironically, it is this dinner between the four parties that is interrupted by Castle and Beckett getting the call to pick up this witness. What in the world will the parents have to talk about?
The one cause for concern that we have here? Beckett asking Castle in the promo below if their relationship is destined to end before it really gets going on a higher level. Could we really see the untimely demise of our favorite couple soon? We’re hopeful that this will not be the case, but this is just like any other relationship in that there will be a number of bumps in the road along the way to happiness.
Is there anything that pops out to you in this promo?
Ali, Sr.
November 14, 2012 @ 8:32 pm
Would rather wait until Monday this time. Too many ups & downs…
Darlene Palmer
November 14, 2012 @ 9:45 am
I noticed that Kate is wearing a pair of earrings that we normaly don”t see her wear. Do you think maybe that is a piece of jewlrey that Castle got for her birthday?
Also, they have to sort out this uncertainty that Kate feels, which I’m sure they will.
November 14, 2012 @ 7:04 am
I think the clip is just out of order. They love tricking us. I think castle and beckett will work it out. Wouldn’t it be funny if they returned to the loft the next morning to see Jim taking the walk of shame? Id love that.
November 14, 2012 @ 6:00 am
Honestly, I think the whole disastrous meet the parents thing is gonna fix itself while Beckett & Castle are away bickering on their own.. I’m thinking Martha & Jim end up getting along while they’re away. At least, that’s what I’m hoping for. :\