‘Supernatural’ season 8 spoilers: More on the ‘cartoon episode’
“Supernatural” season 8 has been all about taking risks, and the end result of these has been more or less a mixed bag. On the positive end of the spectrum, we have had the opportunity to see some pretty interesting stories interwoven between the past and the present thanks to the time jump during the season premiere. On the flip side, the found-footage episode felt cheesy and more or less like an excuse to give Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles some time off.
Thankfully, the next risk coming up is something that we feel rather optimistic about: the upcoming episode that more or less features our Winchesters becoming cartoon versions of themselves, albeit still in a three-dimension world (with a few exceptions to the rule here). Just in case the idea of this in itself is not exciting, know this: according to TVLine, most of the deaths in this episode will happen in cartoonish ways, whether it be anvils falling on characters or people plummeting to the ground after at first walking off a ledge for a few seconds and feeling fine.
Few other shows could pull off some things like this and still be taken seriously, but “Supernatural” does still manage to make these sort of things work more often than not. What we are the most curious about seeing from here is just how these characters end up becoming part of a cartoon world to begin with, and if there is any sort of way for them to get out of it.
Do you love the premise behind this installment of “Supernatural” season 8, or is the idea of seeing Sam and Dean become cartoons come off as a little too silly?
November 12, 2012 @ 8:47 pm
This has the feel of the Trickster whether that is plausible or not.
November 8, 2012 @ 5:58 am
i think this season is the best!! beaten got mixed review bt in my opinion that was great episode!
jensen girl munia
November 7, 2012 @ 2:22 pm
Supernatural is the best show in the universe and it can not be compared with other shows! and it also not been mixed up from the beginning of season 8. it was awesome and interesting and also fantastic. and episode for was also a good episode though it was their 1st try!! and i am sure they will make it well when cartoon universe emerge with supernatural and it will be awesome.. 8 years of glory and success can be go in vein!! IT is the best!!!
November 7, 2012 @ 12:00 pm
I dont agree that this season was mixed till now, it was fantastic. Bitten was a grand episode. Cant wait for this episode. M8 you can’t compare SPN to any other show. Other shows don’t last 8 seasons of brilliance.