‘The Amazing Race 21’ review: Thieves, baths, and bad decisions
Before we get to any of the actual results of Sunday night’s episode of “The Amazing Race 21,” let’s instead begin with a debate: was it cool for Trey & Lexi and Natalie & Nadiya to take James & Abba’s money? The show made it out to be “stealing” in the previews, but in reality it was really more like they just took money that the rock star/ lawyer pair had misplaced. It was a pretty unethical move to not tell them about it, especially for those of you out there who believe in karma, but there was apparently nothing in the rules that said that the teams were not allowed to do this.
This incident happened as they race said goodbye to Bangladesh, and thankfully hello to Turkey. This episode was a far better showcase of culture, as we at least had some pretty fun challenges. We saw bagels carried over people’s heads, awkward Turkish baths where the teams were pummeled by very large men, and apparently an introduction to the world’s first soft drink in the roadblock.
What we really learned this week, though, was ultimately something we have learned on this show a thousand times before: if six out of seven teams choose to take a certain method of transportation, it’s probably because that method is right. When Chippendales Jaymes & James ditched the bus that they were using to travel across Istanbul, you would have thought Rob & Kelley would have done the same; instead, they stuck to their guns and fell into last place. They were far enough behind, in fact, that Josh & Brent managed to screw up their Speed Bump, where they had to eat twice as much Turkish ice cream as they needed to, and still were ahead of them.
Trey & Lexi finished this leg in first thanks really to just being consistent, while Abbie & Ryan whined their way to second place. The best part of the episode? Ryan referring to the “twinnies” as juvenile before saying the most mature line ever: “they can suck it.” Real smooth, Ryan. The twinnies finished behind a limping Mark & Abba, who managed to make up for their lack of funds and some injuries.
The drama this week came courtesy of the bottom three teams, as the Chippendales were able to make up for their own inability to make just about anything easy for themselves in route to fifth place. The chips then fell into place, and Josh & Brent stayed in front of Rob & Kelley long enough for the monster truck drivers to go home. We repeat now: don’t go your own way when you travel unless you absolutely have to. It’s far too risky.
What did you think about this episode, and would you have taken James & Abba’s money in the same situation?
December 11, 2012 @ 5:27 pm
The show sucks! Stealing is not a good example for young viewers in this particular show. The teams who found the money and didn’t return to the rightful owner is stealing. Very bad example. I woudn’t watch this show again.
December 10, 2012 @ 9:45 am
I am so disappointed in TAR. I’ve been a big fan for year, and for them to let the thieves get away with stealing is so wrong. Isn’t this on during a family time slot? Way to go CBS? While I love the show, I hope letting people steal hurts your ratings. You deserve it!
Mark S
November 25, 2012 @ 9:02 pm
I completely quit watching this show because they allowed those people to steal. Characterizing it as “…in reality it was really more like they just took money that the rock star/ lawyer pair had misplaced.” doesn’t make it not stealing. This show sucks! If you can’t draw the line here, where will you draw the line in the future. You simply cannot go there and allow it!
November 12, 2012 @ 3:14 pm
I am completely disgusted .
This show is family night at my sons place
And it was my grandchildrens favorite show .
They do not understand why these girls stole
This money .
And neither do i .if something is not done about
this there are a lot of other shows tha my husband and i can watch
Instead and i know my son and his family feel the same .
November 12, 2012 @ 4:53 am
I am appalled that TAR lets people steal!! I was pretty upset on a previous show when teams cheated on the motorbike challenge and the cowboys got eliminated. None of the cheaters were penalized. But theft is a CRIME. Please go to CBS home page and scroll to bottom where it says feedback. Let CBS know this is intolerable behavior!
November 11, 2012 @ 9:16 pm
The money was theft, no matter how you cut it. In the real world that would be called “Theft by Find” and is just as much a crime as stealing it intentionally. I’m tired of people who don’t understand that this is a family show and allowing the thieves to continue is akin to condoning the crime itself.
There are many people in prison who think that stealing is ok as well, so just having a popular opinion doesn’t make it morally or criminally correct.
If you can’t remove the thieves, there should be some kind of penalty levied for this behavior.
November 6, 2012 @ 2:43 am
This show has been my fav day one. But like all of you I now will not watch after next week. Stealing and lies are my rule not to break EVER and for my child to see this and having to explain that there are NO rules is impossible. Thanks Phil. You have lost a lot of viewers with this one. All my friends feel the same. You are teaching the wrong morals. The twins and team Texas should be dealt with!!!there have been other things also like the bicycle part, the moving of a backpack, all pentlized. This one shocked everyone. Shame on everyone connected to this FAMILY show!!!!
Tom from TO
November 6, 2012 @ 1:04 am
Theft is a crime. By filming the crime are the producers not accessories to a crime?
November 5, 2012 @ 9:08 pm
Have been a die hard fan of
Amazing Race, but no more. Will bad mouth the show hence forth.Stealing is a crime. Both teams should be thrown off. They knowingly stole the money.
November 5, 2012 @ 3:43 pm
To be called a thief was once considered humiliating. I’m not all that religious but I do believe in the 10 commandments. I believe it is okay to show bad behavior, but we must also show consequences to that bad behavior. This show was NOT a good example for young people let alone adults. Good sportsmanship is not being taught in schools or in life let alone on TV? I do enjoy this show but I would like you to be aware of what kind of precedence you have set. Going down the wrong path is always easier they going down the right path.
November 5, 2012 @ 2:24 pm
I was VERY disappointed that nothing was done about the stealing of the money. They knew exactly who the money belonged to. They really should be ashamed of themselves. As I’m sure their parents are. I personally never liked the twins, they are just.. soo annoying and then this. It makes me dislike them even more, along with the Texans. Producers should’ve dealt with this the proper way, by disqualifying both teams. I don’t care if it’s not in the rule book. It’s against a LAW.Go Mark & Abba!!
November 5, 2012 @ 12:41 pm
It shows how both teams (Nadia-Natalie & Trey-Lexi) have NO CLASS at all!
Go Mark & Abba!!!
November 5, 2012 @ 12:12 pm
CBS condones theft and stealing–enough said.
November 5, 2012 @ 11:50 am
I was really surprised they didn’t do anything about the money being stolen. I get that it’s a game, but it’s still stealing. They knew who it belonged to. I’m so glad the country was so warm giving them money so they could keep racing. I think they should have incurred a penalty or something. And going forward, if they use the extra money they should be in trouble – they are given so much cash on a leg and it’s not fair that two teams now have $50/each to use as needed.
November 5, 2012 @ 11:41 am
Apparently crime DOES pay. The Texans will have an extra $50 to spend on their trip to Australia, I still can’t believe they got away with it. Both teams should be kicked off the show. The Amazing race producers need to get their act together or they will loose a lot of viewers.
November 5, 2012 @ 9:09 am
I agree, I was really angry that these two teams where not penalized for stealing. I can’t believe that there is no rule against. this.
The message we get from this show is not only that it is OK to steal but that you will also be rewarded with a trip if you do.
Amazing Race was one of my favourite shows but I don’t think I want to watch it anymore.
November 5, 2012 @ 9:07 am
I don’t watch this show i cold not stand the last one my husband likes it i think its annoying when you have to grown girls running around acting like children fighten with each other its just sad and if i was them id be embarassed.People just put on an act just cause there on tv.
November 5, 2012 @ 8:59 am
But like the show says it is a game and there are no rules and they are playing for money.
November 5, 2012 @ 8:54 am
so what there saying is that it okay to take what’s not yours what world are you living in when i was growing up i was told if its not yours than don’t touch are if you find it and you know who it belongs to give it back.For the show not to say anything was wrong they say stuff when people cheat i think stealing is way worse.
November 5, 2012 @ 6:00 am
Seriously ??? No rule against stealing another team’s money ??
I wonder if the contestants know that ?? because I can think of teams in the past that could have [because they were physically big and strong] just taken other teams money or backpacks at the start of every leg.
Does the show really need to make rules about issues that are covered by the legal system.
This was a scuzzy thing CBS and there WILL be consequences for you I’m sure.
November 5, 2012 @ 3:43 am
I am disgusted with the show. I am going to watch next week to make sure the 4 thieves are booted off. If they remain – I will NEVER watch again, Goodbye ratings and show if everyone does the same. Twinnies parents – you sure did one lousy job of raising 2 honest women !!!!! Texas parents – same thing. NO morals, no ethics……..Go Abba and Mark…..
November 5, 2012 @ 1:28 am
Am I in lala land? I cannot think of a SINGLE circumstance that makes the twin’s STEALING defensible. Apparently CBS has deteriorated to the point that it considers theft to be a viable strategy. The Texas team was one of our favorites because of their positivity and competitive spirit. So we are disappointed to see them slither in to first place after having become accomplices to a CRIME. All four contestants should have been tossed at the end of he episode. Instead they were celebrated. What I cannot get past is this: WHEN THE CBS EXECUTIVES WERE DISCUSSING THIS (SURELY IT WARRANTED SOME DISCUSSION) HOW DID THEY CONCLUDE THAT IT WAS OKAY? WHY DID THEY CHOOSE TO IGNORE A CRIMINAL ACT? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Funny how not a single post here supports the act. The producers managed to miss that this is not a controversy that will bolster ratings. Controversies happen when there is support for either position. There is no justification whatsoever for theft. I am in that coveted advertiser’s target demographic. As soon as I fast forward through the episode and make note of all the advertisers (so I can also protest their continued support of this show), I will delete the show from my “record” schedule. CBS needs to make a statement. The statement they made tonight was offensive, but I am hopeful that they will acknowledge as much. As I was typing this I got text from a friend who apparently is pretty ticked too!
November 5, 2012 @ 12:44 am
Big fan of the show but this was the worst thing I ever saw on this show. It seems the producers are very inconsistent with what is acceptable and what is not. I was under the impression you were not allowed to break the law as a contestant. And even if there was no such rule wouldn’t it make sense.
I think people need to put pressure on the sponsors to not sponsor this show unless the producers resolve this. What makes me mad is the only people really harmed in the end were the poor people of Bangladesh. There are people there that could have used this money instead 4 greedy people who it won’t even help that much are splitting it. I sure as hope neither of these 4 win. If so this show may be tainted forever.
November 5, 2012 @ 12:31 am
I would let my daughter stay up past her bedtime to watch this show on Sunday’s because I felt it was a good and wholesome show. Well, the producers of this show just destroyed that. I kept waiting for something to happen to these girls and the couple that didn’t have enough morals to stop it and nothing!!! I’m trying to explain to my daughter why they were allowed to get away with that, maybe one of the producers would like to answer that. Never, never should a show condone stealing, even if you want to try and excuse it away by using it was strategy! Stealing is stealing, I have watched this show from the beginning and I never remember there being such a deceitful pair. If this is the road they want to take, they can take it alone!
November 5, 2012 @ 12:17 am
I with all of you! There should have been acknowledgement of the incodent.
November 5, 2012 @ 12:17 am
I was very disappointed that there was not some kind of penalty for the teams that took the money belonging to the the rock star and the lawyer. I see by the previous posts that the show says thre is no rule against it, but that is no excuse for this action and for you to televise it as if it is the natural thing to do is unforgiveable. Especially when the two teams made a big joke out of the others misfortune. I am ashamed that the “good people” were not the Americans. Not that other countries don”t have good people, but the Americans are the ones in the foreign country and should be setting an example for the rest of us. I just feel it is unbelieveable that the network condoned the action. Very disappointed in the shows standards.
November 5, 2012 @ 12:17 am
I am so upset. Those folks that gave the money, did so to help two guys that have been robbed. I remember a bike part that caused a delay to check in. Stealing is not in the rules. We have been watching this show since the start. May not watch again. Address it if not you have lost these viewers
November 5, 2012 @ 12:05 am
If so I am done
November 4, 2012 @ 11:49 pm
I am disgusted…I haven’t been watching this season very much and now I know why…that was the most disgraceful thing…it was pretty obvious who’s money it was and even so, they should have asked is this your $$…the fact that they even had to DISCUSS guilt shows u that they knew it was wrong…for the shows producers to still allow them on the show is DISGUSTING!!!!! I am ashamed of this show for the first time ever!! Absolutely disgraceful!!!! I am glad that people in that town were so willing to help Mark & Abba! And I am glad that they still finished in the race and didnt get sent home because had they gone home because of that and seen it on TV I would be PISSED!!!
Former "Fan"
November 4, 2012 @ 11:46 pm
Phil Keoghan and the producers of this show claim that there was “no rule” against theft of another team’s money. Is there a “rule” against knee-capping? Is there a written rule against bodily violence? What if a team slits the throat of the other contestants? Is that against the “rules?” Phil must think we, the fans, are stupid block-heads. Does there need to be a “rule” against CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR? We have seen athletes like Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong PUNISHED for allegations of using performance-enhancing drugs to win at a competition. Those actions did not involve HARMING other contestants – only potentially harming themselves. But, in this instance, Trey Weir and Lexi Beerman and Natalyia and Nadia actually cause harm to another contestant – by potentially leaving them stranded in a foreign country. This show has now set a precedent – its okay to commit a crime against another team as long as the “rules” don’t prohibit it. Stay classy, Phil. This not “reality” tv any longer. This is PURE FANTASY. In the “REAL” World, this kind of behavior results in Gold Medals being taken away, beauty crowns being taken away, Baseball Hall of Fame honors being revoked (or asterisked), and Tour de France titles being stripped. Amazing “Race” is not a competition based on “reality.” Its a joke and a disgrace and an insult to its viewers’ intelligence, logic, and dignity.
Sheryl E
November 4, 2012 @ 11:41 pm
I’m quite disappointed that “stealing” money when they knew who lost it was not in some way made a part of tonight’s show. Phil didn’t even discuss the situation and question their ethics. There should have been a penalty, but if it isn’t against the rules at a minimum it should have been discussed. Luckily the rockers didn’t go home tonight because of this, but shame on Amazing Race for not taking a stand on what is totally unethical. I don’t care if it is a contest for a million dollars — wrong is wrong. Hopefully when all is said and done and the final team meets Phil on the mat it won’t be either the Twinies or Trey/Lexie. VERY disappointing behavior and acceptance by the show of that behavior.
Denise Henderson
November 4, 2012 @ 11:40 pm
Really they misplaced their money. It was stolen from them and you think it ok because is not in the rules. How about the law they should be arrested for stealing and also kicked off the show. I will never watch this show again and not sure I am ever going to watch CBS again if you think this is ok and its the message you are sending to kids. Shame on you and CBS
November 4, 2012 @ 11:20 pm
I remember a team getting penalized in the past when they’ve done something to impede another team (hiding parts needed for a roadblock comes to mind). Seems like they should have done the same with this.
November 4, 2012 @ 10:45 pm
It is wrong to let these twins still these guys money,they knew whos money it was not only that but they were bragging about it not only that but they were sharing the money ,nothing was done about it,this is a thief some-one you can not trust,they need to be kicked off,this behavor should not have happendo you know how many young children is watching this show,yall are teaching them to steal,the next show these twins needs to leave,you know i hope they dont win,this was not right,i watch this show every sunday night,now i am not interested in it after i seen this behavor,Take action on this.
November 4, 2012 @ 10:33 pm
What the girls did speaks volumes about their lack of character and morals.
I am shocked that Phil did not draw attention to their behavior. Other teams have at least endured time penalties, so I guess since there is no “rule” about stealing which is a crime as I recall, no consequences follow.
I am truly disgusted. And very disappointed by tonight’s episode.
November 4, 2012 @ 10:32 pm
I hope that neither of these thieving teams won the race. Will watch til the end and, if so, will never watch any future episodes again. Been watching from the beginning and am very disappointed that the producers and network executives would have let this happen and did nothing about it. I think you will be losing a lot of loyal viewers over this incident – no one used their supposedly “smart brains”.
November 4, 2012 @ 10:29 pm
I am extremely sad. one of my favorite shows to watch with the family and you set this example. my daughter was even saying how wrong the twins were. the other couple would be punished too. this is a horrible example that anything goes to win….karma will come to those, but we should all take oath to not watch for a week, hopefully the producers will get the message. set this right!!!
November 4, 2012 @ 10:28 pm
Failing to return the “misplaced” money to it’s rightful and known owner was at the very least unsportsmanlike. And a penalty should have been imposed on both teams who kept it.
November 4, 2012 @ 10:25 pm
I think you are about to lose lots of viewers if you do not take action on stealing. A terrible president that needs to have consequences. Get some guts and respond to your viewers complaints since your producers seem to think that stealing is OK. What exactly was your plan if the rockers were stranded? You make teams sit out for a time limit before checking in when they break a rule that is a whole lot less meaningful than stealing. Shame on Amazing Race.
November 4, 2012 @ 10:15 pm
It should be grounds for being kicked off of the show for taking the other teams money. Do we condone that behavior, or teach our children that it is plain and simply wrong. I cannot believe that the producers of this show allowed the thieves to go on without being penalized, I am a huge fan and never miss a show, I am very disappointed and will rethink my choice to continue watching!
November 4, 2012 @ 10:05 pm
It is an insult to teams that have set aside their own progress to support and help other teams to let the theft (and that’s what it is, no matter how you describe it…) go without comment or action. Natalie and Nadiya not only took money that didn’t belong to them (stealing…), they then split it with Lexi in order to feel only half guilty, a clear indicator that they knew it was wrong… oh yeah, and then laughed! Great message, producers… Can’t believe there’s a possibility that these two could win… boo, hiss!
November 4, 2012 @ 10:03 pm
The producers probably think not saying anything about the stealing would increase the ratings. If just half the viewers didn’t watch for just one week they would get the message. I worked for Nielson I know how important tese ratings are.
November 4, 2012 @ 9:59 pm
You should proof read your work before you publish it.
November 4, 2012 @ 9:52 pm
What is wrong with you people?? Are you saying that to win a competion its ok to steal??? This is very wrong. Wining is done by being honest and doing your very best and still have a clean conscious. The twins should have been kicked off the show, and the other team that took some of the money knowingly it was stolen should have had some kind of punishment. I guess by your standards you can do anything just to win. Shame on you!!!!
geraldine szepanski
November 4, 2012 @ 9:50 pm
they should have been kicked of both teams because they did split the money. to reward them with trips is so wrong .
Mikey T
November 4, 2012 @ 9:50 pm
Really should have told those two thrives to either give the cash back or be penalized with a road block each leg of the race ahead of them. It’s. A game and one with a substantial pay out so running show with a following such as this show has need common respect for themselves and a standard Of rules that no one is to steal from one another nor the country men in the country’s visited. Wrong is wrong and this show will lose a huge fan base unless it cleans the stealing up. This also opens the door to more thieving what’s next armed robbery???
November 4, 2012 @ 9:42 pm
Bad example for families watching this show. Taking money that does not belong
to you and not getting penalized for being a thief!!! Show disappointed.
We have been fans from the beginning.
November 4, 2012 @ 9:40 pm
I agree with most of what was said about the contestants that took the money. There should have been some type of penalty. There is a clear message sent that there is no wrong in being dishonest in order to win. Shame on the producers and the network for allowing this to take place.
November 4, 2012 @ 9:40 pm
Very disappointing. Unethical does not accurately describe it. If you take something that is not yours, it is stealing, pure and simple. Poor sportsmanship, greed, and benefitting from ill gotten gain, these 4 don’t even have the decency to feel shame.
Ole Miss gal
November 4, 2012 @ 9:40 pm
Unbelievable that a major network would allow 4 people to steal and not be disqualified or at least penalized! I hope the network had the decency to pay back the people that gave the rockers money to continue on the race. CBS executives should be ashamed!
November 4, 2012 @ 9:40 pm
This was our FAVE show!!!! We’re not sure we’re interested in watching any more now because of this. Very sad. If you are allowed to “take” something because someone set it down or dropped it, then I’m going to go on the show and on the very first leg go through everyone’s bags and take their passports. No one will be able to leave the country except for me and I’ll take my sweet time walking to the finish line. Congrats! I win! Now give me my million dollars :)
November 4, 2012 @ 9:40 pm
How can u thief on a television show and think it is cool? Disgusting. That shows us what they would do to win. That was unacceptable. They should be ashamed. The team who shared the money wasn’t any better
November 4, 2012 @ 9:39 pm
I was very disappointed that the thieves did not get kicked off or at least penalized. They for sure knew who the money belonged to, I have always taught my children to do the right thing, this was definitely not.
November 4, 2012 @ 9:39 pm
I find it extremely disapointing that the Amazing Race did nothing to the two couples that took the money. Not only took it but knews who’s money it was.
What are we teaching our children about being honest, that you do not steal or how to play the game wiht honesty and intergity.
November 4, 2012 @ 9:34 pm
The thieves should leave.
Frieda Dryden
November 4, 2012 @ 9:34 pm
Stealing is stealing. Those girls knew whose money it was and took it anyway. I’m appalled the show didn’t call them on it. Are you saying there is nothing in the rules that says they can’t steal from one another?
November 4, 2012 @ 9:32 pm
I am very disappointed that The Amazing Race did not penalize or disqualify the two teams that took the money. It is a sad comentaryon how greedy and ukind we have become as Americans. They should be ashamed of themselves
November 4, 2012 @ 9:24 pm
I cannot believe that the producers of this show allowed the thieves to go on without being penalized, I am a huge fan and never miss a show, I am very disappointed and will rethink my choice to continue watching!
carol baker
November 4, 2012 @ 9:22 pm
It should be grounds for being kicked off of the show for taking the other teams money. Do we condone that behavior, or teach our children that it is plain and simply wrong.