‘Sons of Anarchy’ season 5: Kurt Sutter gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims

Sometimes even the smallest gesture can help people in times of need, especially when this very thing is just a brief escape from the surrounding world. This is what “Sons of Anarchy” executive producer Kurt Sutter is doing now courtesy of one of the more innovative ways to give back in the wake of Hurricane Sandy that we have heard.of thus far.

On Friday, Sutter wrote on his WhoSay page that he is going to personally buy copies of last Tuesday’s new episode of season 5, just for those who were not able to see it thanks to the power being cut off in their neighborhood:

“[When] power is restored back east, i will buy 5000 copies of SOA episode 508 on Amazon Instant for those who couldn’t see it or dvr it because of sandy. i’ll post the details on how to claim it later today. i know 5k is only a fraction of people who missed it, but i want my peeps in jersey to know i care… at least a fraction. stay whole. we love you.”

Sutter also later posted as a result of claims that he was just making this move for self-promotion that he and his wife Katey Sagal have also contributed significantly to the relief effort in other ways, but was doing this specifically for fans who specifically desperate to see the latest episode of the show but were unable to for whatever reason. The ironic thing here is that even with the storm causing major blackouts on the east coast, the show still had one of its most-watched episodes on Tuesday as Jax made a major move against Clay with the help of an initially-reluctant Gemma.

How cool of a move do you think that this is for Sutter to make? While he may be constantly under fire for being so brash and opinionated, this is yet another sign that he cares more about the people that matter the most to him (the fans) than any other showrunner on TV.

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