‘Parks and Recreation,’ ‘The Office’ delayed by NBC for ‘The Voice’ repeat

Even though Hurricane Sandy has already left the east coast, the storm is still finding a way to leave its mark on the TV schedule, even as late as Thursday night.

So is a another news special going to be placed on over a new episode? Not exactly. Apparently in a move brought on to accommodate viewers on the east coast that may have missed it, Monday night’s new episode of “The Voice” is going to be rebroadcast on the network Thursday night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, ironically against the first “X Factor” results show of the season. It’s ultimately not fair to assume that every viewer has the capability to watch the show online or On Demand, but we have a feeling that there are going to be some rather disappointed viewers over the loss of their comedy lineup Thursday (even if “The Voice” repeat will probably generate similar ratings).

So what’s the most painful part of this move? Personally, it’s that “30 Rock” was airing an episode all about the Presidential election, but now it will air after the election, and much of the humor is therefore going to be lost. Just in the span of 24 hours, NBC has found a way to, thanks to their priority of “The Voice” over every other show on their schedule, ruin the timing of another one of their comedies. (“The New Normal’s” Halloween special is now airing on November 14.)

For “Parks and Recreation,” this news is still a bummer thanks to this being the first episode since Leslie and Ben became engaged, and it would have been interesting to see where the show went from there. As for “The Office” and “Up All Night,” we haven’t really been feeling them so much this season.

What’s your take on this move?

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