Is Ada Maris leaving Mayans MC, and is Dita Galindo dead?

Mayans MC

Is Ada Maris leaving Mayans MCand what happened to the character of Dita Galindo tonight? Within this article, we’ll discuss that, plus of course many of the big twists that we had a chance to see over the course of this hour.

Let’s go ahead and get the obvious out of the way: Dita is dead. We can’t be shocked about that, largely due to some of what really happened in the past. She is the one responsible for what happened to EZ’s mother, and she claimed that she needed to die in order to atone for everything in the past.

For some more news when it comes to Mayans MC in video form, remember to check out some of the latest about the finale below! Once you do just that, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more information and also view our show playlist.

The larger question that we were left to wonder within this episode was, of course, who would end up killing her. Much to our surprise, it wasn’t actually Felipe Reyes at all! Given that Felipe didn’t have it in him anymore to do this, instead it was EZ himself who choked her prior to the body being set on fire. Eventually, Miguel and the rest of the cartel found her body, and then after that Alvarez decided to wipe away a little bit of the evidence. Maybe this is the last bit of his loyalty to the Mayans; or, you can make the argument that this is him doing whatever he can in order to ensure that there is just no more war.

Speaking of war, who else was shocked by the end of the finale? An attempt to take down El Palo once and for all led to a bloody massacre at a party, one that led to a number of important deaths. Yet, it does appear as though Palo is still out there, and instead, there is a body from another club beyond just the new enemies — Sons of Anarchy.

After watching an episode like this, it’s pretty fair to say that there is a HUGE season 3 ahead…

Related News Be sure to get some more information right now on Mayans MC, including confirmation on the future

What do you think about the events of the Mayans MC season 2 finale, and also, what do you think about Dita Galindo’s death? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and be sure to stick around for some other news. (Photo: FX.)


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