‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 6 spoilers: Finally, Bernadette’s mom!

If you love some guest stars on “The Big Bang Theory,” then you will be pleased to know that we will finally get to meet another piece of the newly-formed Wolowitz family: Howard’s mother-in-law. This is originally a character that we were supposed to meet last year prior to he and Bernadette getting married, but the writers decided instead to save her mom until a later date when her appearance could get more headlines … like now.

Entertainment Weekly is reporting the big news, though there is no word just yet on who will be playing the character. We also do not know just yet the context of her appearance, but we are assuming that she will have plenty of scenes with the newlyweds. This is actually the first mother of any of our female characters that we have met on the show, though we have now met the mom of every single one of the male characters. Out of the five characters who have been on the show since the very beginning, the only parents that we have yet to meet are Howard and Leonard’s fathers, and Penny’s aforementioned mom. (Sheldon’s father is dead.) There are still a number of siblings out there that the show has mentioned in passing, but never introduced.

Considering that Bernadette is someone with a bubbly, over-the-top personality, we almost assume in some ways that her mother would be similar, since her father is nothing like this at all. However, stranger things have happened on this show before, and it would be a welcome dose of irony if both of her parents were completely different … and also confused about why she wanted to marry Howard.

Who do you want to play this part?

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