Blue Bloods season 10 episode 6 sneak peek: Frank wants Henry’s advice
In the video, you can see why Frank is struggling with this particular case. You’ve got a cop who was not on the force as long as a lot of the others; yet, they’ve also suffered an injury that makes life hard on them with the pension that they have. Should Frank make an exception and allow them to get more money?
For Frank, the issue is difficult — if he works to offer up something more, he runs the risk of being labeled an “insurance adjustor.” If he doesn’t do anything to help the issue, then he’s labeled as cheap and a Scrooge.
Henry does his best to encourage him to do the right thing — while at the same time engaging in a heated battle of a crossword puzzle. Of course, is Henry’s “right thing” really the right thing to do? There may not be a right or wrong answer, given that the money you use for this pension has to come from somewhere — dollar bills don’t come out of thin air, and while the NYPD may have a lot of money, they’re not exactly rolling in money. That’s the reason why there is the pension crisis in the first place.
No matter where this story goes, isn’t it nice to just see Henry involved?
What do you want to see on Blue Bloods season 10 episode 6?
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