Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 8 review: Is Alicia okay?

Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 7

Tonight, Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 8 provided a story that, surprisingly, was all about hope. It was also about another group of people who haven’t been seen as of yet on the show.

Let’s start with some of the best news — Alicia seems to be okay … at least for now. She found herself a shower at the start of the episode to wash away some of the radioactive zombie blood. The thing about radiation, though, is that it can rear its head at any point. Alicia could be fine for the remainder of the season, or something could manifest itself far down the road. We’re gonna assume that, for now, she’ll keep moving forward.

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Meanwhile, here’s some of the other good news — everyone’s okay! Thanks to Wendell’s heroics (we thought for a few minutes that he wasn’t going to survive the zombies on the landing strip), he was able to get the plane back on solid ground and get the group back together. John Dorie and Dwight made it just in the nick of time and this is the rare midseason finale where all of our heroes are going to continue to be just that — heroes.

Also, did we mention that John Dorie and June are engaged? That’s a fantastic thing to celebrate, but we do somewhat question the timing here since the moment happened while Dwight was sitting a few feet away. Seriously, John. Have some respect for the guy who just lost a person he loved! He’s still dealing with the fact that Sherry wants him to move on with his life!

With everyone alive and reunited (including Daniel Salazar!), the end of the episode focused more on the return of Logan, who came to the group with a proposition — he recognized that there was an oil field that is out there in a mysterious location. It was one of the things Clayton did, knowing full well that eventually, this was going to be important to a lot of people out in this world. The question is where it’s located. The group actually has that knowledge already, but now they recognize what’s there and also how valuable fuel is. It’s the only way that they can continue to help people and now, we’re in a position where there is something that benefits both Logan, Morgan, Alicia, and the rest of the group. Maybe this is a chance for everyone to work together … but there may still be consequences and surprises. Can you really trust Logan in the end? We’re not altogether sure of it.

CarterMatt Verdict

What Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 8 does a great job at is setting the table, both in terms of what we’ve seen so far during the series’ run but also a little more in terms of where we are eventually going. We do love a lot of what this show is throwing our way at the moment and our hope is simply that the second half continues to build on it. We also appreciate that Alicia hasn’t been killed off — at least not yet. The danger is that this could happen at almost any moment and we just gotta deal with it.

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What did you think about Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 8?

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