‘Grey’s Anatomy’ season 9 spoilers: Kevin McKidd talks Owen holding on

Say what you will about Owen on “Grey’s Anatomy,” but in the wake of the stunning revelation last season that he cheated on Cristina thanks to a one-night stand, the man is going to develop a serious sense of patience in order to prove that this was just an isolated mistake and not an omen of things to come should the two ever get back together.

Speaking as a part of a new interview with TV Guide promoting the upcoming few episodes in the season, Kevin McKidd did his best to explain that even though Cristina is in another city right now and the two parties are not even currently together, he is still going to find a way to ensure that the woman who he believes is his “Ms. Right” could someday come back to him; that is, if she ever returns from her current place of work:

“He’s holding out for Christina. Whether that will be reciprocated, he doesn’t know. But until he’s explored every avenue to see if it’s healable and fixable, then he’s going to hold out for her because she’s the love of his life. I think he still hopes that she feels the same way about him.”

However, we do still know from some past interviews featuring McKidd that there are some potential issues still hovering over his and Cristina’s heads when it comes to them getting back together, including the fact that he is interested in having a child whereas she clearly is not. What we can say is that Shonda Rhimes has already promised that there will be more story for these two in the future, so don’t allow the fact that these two are not together now dictate what could be coming up for them in the future.

Are you still very much rooting for Owen and Cristina?

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