Love Island USA episode 4 ratings slip; will episode order be cut?

Love Island

The ratings have now come in for Love Island USA episode 4 and, after viewing them, we can’t help but think about the future.

Let’s start things off, though, with this reminder: It would’ve been insane to think that the CBS reality show would’ve kept the same numbers that it had for Wednesday and Thursday on a Friday night. It’s the summer, and for younger viewers (i.e. this show’s target audience), it would be nuts to think that they would stick around indoors to watch this show when they could be off enjoying some of the nice weather. That’s why we’re not stunned to see that Love Island generated just a 0.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic.

Want some recent Love Island USA video insight? Then be sure to watch some of what we’ve got for you below! Meanwhile, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube to make sure you don’t miss any future info.

The question that you have to think about as a result of this is whether CBS will keep the Monday-Friday schedule the same. We think they certainly anticipated a drop on Friday night; however, they may have anticipated that Love Island would’ve gotten off to a better start in the first place. We’re talking here about a super-popular franchise in Britain that they thought would appeal to US viewers and, to a certain extent, it is. There are viewers out there who do seem to be enjoying what the show is bringing to the table. There just aren’t a lot of them. The ratings at the moment would be solid if this was airing on MTV, where it honestly would’ve been a better fit in the first place. Over on CBS, it just doesn’t make as much sense since it’s so far against the grain of their typical programming.

We’ll see just where things go moving into the coming weeks but for now, we wouldn’t be altogether confident if you’re a Love Island fan that the show will continue on Fridays. We think CBS will play out the season, but they could trim the total number of broadcasts.

Want to get some more news right now on Love Island USA?

Then be sure to head over to the link here, since that is where you can read our most-recent episode review. Also, let us know in the comments what you think of the most-receent Love Island USA ratings … and what you think the future could hold. (Photo: CBS.)

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