Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 5 review: Who is Isabelle?

Althea - Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 5

You’ve been waiting for a while to get additional information on Althea’s journey on Fear the Walking DeadLuckily, tonight was an opportunity for answers. Our resident camera-operator did everything in her power to use her tape as leverage in order to get some of what she wants. Namely, her own survival and eventually get back to some of the other members of the group.

Whoever operates the mystery helicopter, though, wants to ensure that their secrets are safe. We met the mystery woman within this episode and soon after that, we got a better sense of what it was that they were looking for in the early going — fuel. This woman wasn’t too keen on handing down information. She wouldn’t say who she was or where she was from; she also didn’t care about what Al did to get information.

While on the road for fuel, “Happy” (as Al called her) ended up encountering some walkers and we saw just how she dealt with them … and then also how her orders almost got Al killed. Consider this your reminder that Happy doesn’t always know best, but she’s got an agenda and a lot of involves her going a hundred miles an hour in order to ensure that she gets what she wants.

This episode was slowly paced — there were very few other characters and there were very few other goals other than focusing on Al and her new companion. They had to climb, they had to kill zombies, and in the end, what we learned is that this woman had to kill one of her old friends in the past. While Al did bond with her, it didn’t change the fact that before the journey was over, Al had to fade away and die for the sake of “operational security.” Even though the two bonded, it didn’t quite matter. That’s why Al needed to act and she did. She got a gun and that was, at least, enough in order to secure her safety.

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Eventually, the mystery woman shares some details

The world that she is from is a world she likes to claim is the future — a place where there is still a society being built on the other side of the zombie apocalypse. She’s still not willing to give up more than that, as she recognizes that the world that she is building is so much bigger than just her. It’s a full-on society with a brewer and other people who seem to have legitimate, specialized positions. It feels like a living, breathing world as opposed to just people working to strictly survive.

After the two spend a night talking about their journeys, Althea chose to give up the tape; she did so realizing that she was probably still going to be killed. This was her respect for the job that she knew she had to do.

Yet, the woman didn’t pull the trigger … and she instead told Althea her name. She’s Isabelle from Indiana, someone who refused to eventually follow her orders. She wouldn’t let Al come with her, but she wanted her to know a couple of things before she went. then, she kissed. This did feel like a love story in a most unusual way; it was the story of how Althea’s humanity allowed her to meet someone who, even for just a short period of time, really understood her. Then, Isabelle was gone and Al was able to reunite with Alicia and Morgan.

CarterMatt Verdict – Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 5

Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 5 offered up a strange relationship between Althea and a woman who she doesn’t really know. It was a woman who couldn’t be a friend to her on the other side of their adventure and it may never be someone she can see again. We thought that Maggie Grace’s character was going to be killed off for the bulk of this; the end, therefore, was a surprise. It’s one that does offer up a small glimmer of hope within the larger world.

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What did you think about Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 5? Be sure to let us know in the comments. (Photo: AMC.)

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