The 100 season 6 episode 7 video: Clarke, Josephine, & the mindspace


Coming up on Tuesday night’s The 100 season 6 episode 7, you’ll see a face-off between who are basically two parts of the same person. “Nevermind” has been hyped as a special episode of the show, one that is bringing something totally different from what you typically see.

Basically, the video below makes it clear that it’s really all about a battle of control within Clarke. As of late, we’ve seen her fully under the control of Josephine, who has tried to use Clarke’s body in order to fulfill some of her own wishes. As Tuesday’s episode presses on, though, you’ll have a sense of how Clarke is going to fight back.

More than that, though, this episode will serve as an opportunity to explore the mindscape, a concept that has really brought her to where she is. You’ll get a history lesson of sorts involving Josephine, including some of the bodies she’s tried to inhabit in the past. In one case, she was plunged into basically a nightmare. In another, she was forced to become a rebellious teenager. It’s easy to imagine why Clarke in a way would be a far more appealing host — here you have someone who is strong, capable, and has managed to survive a lot already. She’s also got loyal allies and people who would fight for her.

Unfortunately for Clarke, she now finds herself in a position where she cannot rely on anyone. She may be one of the only people who can help herself, especially since she may not have an acute awareness of what anyone else is really up to. She can’t rely on a whole lot and she has to find her way out of this.

Expect within “Nevermind” an exploration of memory, a desperate series of events, and hopefully by the end of it, a sense of real closure on both Josephine’s story and where Clarke can go from here. Also, expect an incredible performance from Eliza Taylor along the way. We’ve said for a while that we do imagine Clarke to eventually find her way out of this situation and for us, this is not the primary point of contention. Instead, we foresee it as being a little bit more about how she comes back and exactly what the long-term ramifications of this episode are on her. If she comes back and it’s just like she never left, then all of this is worthless. There needs to be more when it comes to series aftereffects here that we’re left to simmer in.

Interested in getting some other news on The 100 season 6?

Then be sure to head over to the link here! We’ll be back tomorrow with some other scoop and we highly suggest you check some of that out. (Photo: The CW.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter and you can follow her on Twitter here.

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