The Bachelorette spoilers: How religion impacts Hannah Brown, Luke P.
Religion is a difficult thing for Bachelor shows to talk about, mostly because not everyone out there who watches the show is religious. ABC doesn’t want to alienate any particular part of their audience, so while they will discuss religion here and there, it’s not necessarily on a regular basis.
It just so turns out, though, that religion is one of the major players in Hannah and Luke’s relationship. It brought the two together earlier on this season, but it also may end up being one of the things that tears them apart. That’s something to keep your eyes on as we get further and further into this season, in particular to that infamous argument that’s been shown a few times at the end of various episode. While it’s never been shown that this argument is between Hannah and Luke P., it certainly seems like we’re moving in that direction.
For some of the latest comments on this subject, what show host Chris Harrison says to Entertainment Tonight seems to further along that line of logic:
Ironically enough, faith is what brought them together and his faith and his conservative values might be their biggest sticking point and become the biggest divide between them. Yes, obviously, we are setting something up down the road that will come to a head, where their faith and their values start to conflict, and how they perceive them.
And that’s always the interesting thing about religion, and I always feel maybe we need to dive into this more sometimes. Sometimes we shy away from it because religion, it’s a little bit like sex, where it’s taboo to discuss in the open. I think it needs to be brought in the open more sometimes, and, in this case, it’s interesting how they have very similar values, but very differing opinions on how to apply them to life.
Want to get some other news on The Bachelorette? Then check out the video below, where we preview Monday night’s new episode. Once you do that, be sure to subscribe the CarterMatt on YouTube for more updates and take a look at our official Bachelorette playlist.
It may be controversial, but obviously, people with religious beliefs view certain parts of their life differently. It’s a complete misnomer to say that every single Christian, for example, interprets every part of the Bible the same way. People have different values and that doesn’t mean that either one of them is necessarily right.
However, how you enforce those values on other people is where things get so much more difficult. Someone isn’t wrong because they hold different beliefs than you do. If Luke does this to Hannah, he’s going to feel more than just ramifications on the show from her. He’s probably going to hear from much of Bachelor Nation watching at home.
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How much do you think The Bachelorette should focus on religion, if it ends up playing a big role in the Hannah – Luke relationship down the road? Be sure to share in the comments. (Photo: ABC.)