Black Ink Crew: Chicago season 5 episode 13 video: Old versus new

Black Ink Crew

Come Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, you’re going to get a chance to behold Black Ink Crew: Chicago season 5 episode 13. What’s the title here? “Team Bonding!” — we don’t think that episode titles always matter all that much, but they certainly do in this case. That’s a nice little way to summarize what’s going on in the sneak peek below, as an attempt to bring everyone together only ends up leading to some disarray.

Really, what it all seems to boil down to is the old 9Mag versus the new 9Mag — is one of them really better than the other? There’s a real sentiment in this preview of needing to elevate the new over the old, but we don’t exactly think that’s the most productive way to go about it. Instead, the whole idea here is unite old and new, get on the same page, and try to build everyone up. We understand that things are never going to quite be kumbaya, mostly because nobody would ever wanna watch that! Shows like this get by on the drama and the difference of opinion, but this feels like one of those things that could end up getting resolved.

Here’s one of the main sticking points in the sneak peek — there’s a perception among at least one person that the old 9Mag is more about star power, whereas the new 9Mag is a little more about art. As you would imagine, saying that sort of thing in a room full of talented, opinionated people is going to be like throwing a metaphorical grenade.

By the end of the episode, you could be seeing at least one person questioning their future with 9Mag — it may not be due to anything that we’ve listed out in this preview so far, but it’s still worth noting. The synopsis below has a little more intel for you on what’s ahead:

When Ryan decides to treat the new 9Mag and old 9Mag to a team building trip in Miami, Charmaine questions her future with 9Mag and an emotional Ryan releases some pent-up anger towards the OGs.

The fact that everyone’s in Miami for this team-building trip does paint a different picture of this old vs. new conflict in general. Isn’t the idea of going somewhere else trying to find a way to get everyone on the same page? Isn’t this a mechanism for relaxation? Well, maybe that happens at some point around the events of the sneak peek, but it sure isn’t happening during it.

One thing that we’re always gonna endorse here — Black Ink Crew: Chicago picking a good timeslot Tuesday nights at 8:00 p.m. Eastern. Airing it opposite Ink Master would be a recipe for disaster for both of these shows.

What do you think is going to be coming on Black Ink Crew: Chicago season 5 episode 13? Be sure to share right now in the comments and check back soon for some other news. (Photo: VH1.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter and you can follow her on Twitter here.

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