Blue Bloods season 10: How much does Will Estes know in advance?

Blue Bloods season 10

Blue Bloods season 10 won’t start filming until a little bit later in the summer, but there’s one thing that we always wonder about in advance. How much does the cast actually know about what’s coming up for their characters? Are they brought into some sort of secret room where the writers spill all their secrets or is this more of a when you get your scripts you find out?

In general, there are times when it’s easy to assume a few things — especially with a show like this. Take, for example, what went down with the Jamie/Eddie engagement. We’re sure that both Will Estes and Vanessa Ray assumed on some level that there’d be a wedding eventually — they may not have know how it was going to happen, but this isn’t a show about blindsides. The writers didn’t exactly give us a universally-loved ceremony, but the two characters are seemingly married.

As for specifics about smaller stories, we’re sure that the day-to-day of learning things is a little more difficult. Here’s what Estes had to say on that subject in a CBS Watch interview:

They don’t tell me anything. It’s a great question, but a one-hour drama is all about adaptability. It’s almost a different way of acting. You don’t want to get too locked in because they might not write what you think.

So coming into season 10, there’s more of a blank slate in Will’s mind — and the same goes for many other cast members. Think about what season 9 wrapped up. Danny got justice for what happened to Linda, Jamie and Eddie are married, and Erin’s settled into her new promotion. There is no big cliffhanger that we’re left on and no major dangling threads left to be tied up. Sure, you can say that Jamie and Eddie could start a family eventually, but we don’t want to trivialize their jobs or their relationship by saying that they have to be parents immediately. That’s an option, but Blue Bloods has plenty of options. That sort of freedom is a big part of what makes this show as good as it is.

If you’re Will, Vanessa Ray, or any other cast member, the #1 thing you can do is trust in the writers. They know what they’re doing and they’ve worked to make the show fantastic. They’ve got an obligation to the viewers to keep telling great stories, so it’s not like they’re on a different page with the cast. You want to offer them good material (it’s important to be creatively fulfilled), but you gotta keep your devoted fans watching every step of the way! We understand of course that there are viewers out there that were unhappy with how the wedding was handled (we are salty as well), but outside of that this show has been consistently bringing us solid stories week after week and that’s not easy to do going into a tenth season.

More than likely, Blue Bloods season 10 will launch on CBS come late September. Stay tuned for a premiere-date announcement later this summer.

What do you want to see from Jamie moving into Blue Bloods season 10?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments!

(Photo: CBS.)

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