Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3 review: The adventure is heating up

Blood & Treasure season 1

CBS’s newest adventure, Blood & Treasure, is heating up as we get a more vulnerable look at Lexi while she and Danny continue their pursuit of Karim Farouk. This episode gave fans a better idea of the pacing of the show and how each episode will run each week. Overall, it was enjoyable because we received a few more pieces to the puzzle, in addition to the occasional bits of witty banter.

This week’s episode left off where last week’s ended. Danny and Lexi team up with Gwen Karlsson and Fabi of the Italian police in order to help with their Farouk; however, Lexi informs Danny that she doesn’t trust anyone but him. The team figures out that the only way to track Farouk is through Shaw, who is recovering from his poisoning in a hospital, and after some playful back and forth banter Shaw gives up the password for the Hawaladar. This gives Danny the idea to pose as an arms dealer to extract information from a middleman used by terrorist Karim Farouk. The plan doesn’t go as planned and Shaw gets away and Danny is forced to use a different approach in the interrogation of the Hawaladar’s nephew. This leads Lexi, Danny, and Asim to Farouk’s safe where Lexi obtains vital information about the location of Cleopatra in Germany, but Asim dies saving Lexi.

This storyline was intriguing and definitely poses some questions about this mystery that has us hooked. It also showed a different side of Danny. We learned about his troubled past from Father Chuck and how that has impacted him in the present, and that makes Danny’s character even more interesting. Matt Barr once again brings everything and more to the character and after three episodes we can’t imagine anyone else as the male lead.

Meanwhile, Farouk obtains a clue to the location of the sarcophagus of Cleopatra. He learns early in the episode of Cleopatra’s whereabouts in Germany and immediately sets course for there. We’ve had a feeling that the show might end up in Germany following the many flashbacks to World War II and the Nazi regime, and it appears as those our hunch was correct. The question now remains is whether or not she is still there?

The final storyline revolved around Lexi as she looks to Father Chuck for help deciphering encoded information. After failing to stop the Hawaladar from getting away, Lexi did manage to retrieve his ledger. The trouble was it was written in a language unknown to her, so she sought advice from Father Chuck. What was great about the scenes between the two was bond the pair formed. Yes, they figured out the unknown language, but they also shared a personal connection. Father Chuck informed Lexi of the young boy Danny once was and how she and Danny aren’t so different. In addition, Father Chuck also learned about Lexi’s mother’s death and how that has affected her. It was a great scene because we saw a side of the thief we haven’t seen a lot of. Lexi was vulnerable and honest with Father Chuck and we certainly look forward to more of those moments. Kudos to Sofia Pernas for this performance.

Blood & Treasure airs Tuesdays at 10:00 p.m. on CBS.

This article was written by Samantha D’Amico. If you want to follow her on Twitter, you can do so at SAM_iamXO. (Photo: CBS.)

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