SEAL Team season 2 finale review: Jason’s decision, Clay’s sacrifice


We have reached the SEAL Team season 2 finale and there is a lot still left to tie up before we head into the summer months where we talk about all the loose ends and/or cliffhangers the Bravo Team has left us with. We have Ray who has been really struggling with his faith, substance abuse and his marriage. Clay is struggling to get his life back together after everything that happened to him this season and we still haven’t even talked about what Jason has going on all around him at home with his daughter.

Now that Ray is safely back with the team Jason has some questions for him, mostly about how he’s holding up. Ray feels like his faith is restored – everything that happened the woman that he found and Jason coming over that mountain right when he was ready to give up – it was his salvation. They were able to save Ray but they let their target (Kahn) get away to do it, so Bravo Team is going to be split up by Shaw. Luckily when they get a location on Kahn they are the closest team so it’s not Shaw’s choice – they are sent out. They want Kahn brought in alive and their team captures Kahn and they also took out four well-known criminals and the man who shot Clay. Sounds like a successful mission! Except for the fact that there was a CI in there that Mandy knew about and let him get killed. The higher-ups are not okay with mandy going rogue like that and she’s pulled out of her position and told that she’s done with field work and will be riding a desk for the rest of her career.

After Swanny’s suicide Clay and his dad are both trying to get the message out there that untreated injuries from combat can lead to veteran suicide, something that has been long overlooked and not nearly enough has been done to correct it. Clay wants to get him the purple heart that he deserves, but unfortunately getting one retroactively isn’t something that happens. At Swanny’s funeral service Clay’s speech about how neglected returning veterans are had us reflecting on some of our own family’s struggles with this very thing and how we wish that this is something that would change. These men and women sacrifice their mind, body and soul for our country and should receive all the health care they need for as long as they need. It’s the very least we can do after everything that has been given to us. We wanted to take a moment to really thank SEAL Team for putting a focus on this in a powerful and meaningful way and we hope that the message starts to spread.

Jason’s accepts his daughter is going to college and drives her there and he has sold his house — we suppose that this is a way to pay for Emma’s college? In six weeks Lisa is going to be sent to San Diego, and it’s good to see that she and Sonny got some moments in. Meanwhile, it seems as though Clay and Stella are back on … but will it last?

New SEAL Team video: Want to know more of our thoughts on the SEAL Team season 2 finale and what’s coming up in season 3? Check out our video below and be sure to subscribe to the CarterMatt YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on our upcoming videos. Also check out our show playlist for any videos you may have missed out on.

Related – Check out everything we know about SEAL Team season 3!

CarterMatt Verdict

One of the moments that really stuck with us tonight was seeing Ray reuniting with his wife. He has had such a difficult time with his drinking and withdrawing from everything and losing his faith that when we saw him come into the hospital and scoop up his wife with a big warm kiss and hug we just felt this really heavy weight lifted and it was everything we hoped for. The finale was better because it told the story that needed to be told — no big cliffhangers. Instead, just emotional stuff.

What did you think of the season 2 finale of SEAL Team? Leave us a comment in the box below with your thoughts. (Photo: CBS)

This article was written by Jessica Carter and you can follow her on Twitter here.

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