Bring It Back 2019: Should The Passage, Whiskey Cavalier, or Jessica Jones be saved?

Welcome to the second annual Bring It Back Tournament! This is a tradition that we’ve started up last year at CarterMatt with one goal in mind — shining a spotlight on shows that are truly worthy of a second life that we don’t think should’ve ended in the first place. We do this through polls that allow your voice to be heard also! We’re in the month of May, and with that, cancellations are going to be running rampant throughout the month.

Over the past several weeks, we have introduced and discussed multiple different waves of shows based on when certain networks made their announcements — and today, we’re officially closing off the first round. We’ve got six shows that we’re focusing on and, like with the first three, all of these shows have either been canceled by their respective network or are ending with their current season. The criteria is simple — we’re focusing here on shows that aired their final episode, or will air their final episode, at some point from September 2018 until September 2019.

How do you vote for which show should come back? You can do that at the bottom of this article! There are more specific voting rules/technical information at the bottom of this article. The two shows with the highest votes in round one will move forward to round two, and voting will remain open here for five days, from now until Friday, May 17 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time.

With all of this spelled out, let’s go ahead and get now to discussing the final wave of shows!

The Big Bang Theory – It’s obvious at this point that it’s getting two things that the vast majority of other shows only wish that they got — a final season and a fitting ending. With that being said, we can’t just forget about the fact that there were at one point talks about a season 13 before Jim Parsons opted to leave the show. Isn’t there always a chance for a revival someday after this week’s series finale?

Jessica Jones – Technically, there are more episodes still to come, but it feels weird waiting for them knowing that it will be the end of the show’s run — or knowing, beyond just this, that we’re going to be at the end of the road for the entire Marvel – Netflix at the end of this season. Think back to when season 1 was present and so beloved by critics and viewers. Did you ever expect this?

The Passage – What this show had going for it was pretty simple, whether it be an abundance of loyal viewers who also appreciated the source material and ratings that weren’t necessarily in the dumpster. Yet, what it suffered from was airing on a network eager to shake up much of its schedule after Disney purchased some of their one-time assets. It may have survived some other seasons, but it didn’t this time.

Proven Innocent – Fox’s Friday-night legal drama didn’t have an enormous audience, but it did develop some loyal viewers through the past several weeks. We don’t think we even have to say why this didn’t work — it barely had a chance given its timeslot and a relative lack of attention.

Speechless – A fun, inclusive family comedy that really suffered mostly from just being put into a terrible timeslot. When you’re stuck on Friday nights without an incredible lead-in, there’s really not all that much you can do. It’s a shame, given that this show offered up a side of disability that you really couldn’t find just about anywhere else.

Whiskey Cavalier – Finally, ABC just canceled the Scott Foley – Lauren Cohan series earlier today, despite there being a devoted fan group out there who really enjoyed diving into the show and the story throughout the past couple of months. There’s still a chance it could be picked up elsewhere, but at this point, it’s wrong to bank on anything as a certainty.

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