The Enemy Within episode 12 preview: The last before big finale

The Enemy Within

What’s coming up on The Enemy Within episode 12? This episode next week is going to be all about setting the stage for something big, and something especially dramatic: The finale. Given that we don’t know as of yet whether or not a season 2 is going to be a sure thing, you really just have to take what’s given to you as it comes and enjoy the ride that we’re on.

Through episode 12, what we’re going to see potentially here is an opportunity for Keaten and the rest of the team to do what they can in order to save a Congresswoman. This is a story that, as a whole, is going to give you a chance to learn more about the connection between this woman and Shepherd — and, beyond that, also the relationship between both of these two and Tal. Whatever happens here will be important for setting the stage for the big season 1 finale.

Below, CarterMatt offers up the official The Enemy Within episode 12 finale with more news on what’s next:

05/13/2019 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Monday) : Acting on urgent intelligence from a captured Tal contact, Keaton and his team are able to intervene and stop the assassination of a high-profile congresswoman. Keaton has Shepherd interrogate the congresswoman, who had previously used Shepherd’s treason conviction as a launching pad for her political career, leading to a stunning truth about the origins of Tal. TV-14 V

The most important thing with The Enemy Within season 1 is answers — or, at least some answers. Given how very few midseason shows tend to have a high success rate, you have to prepare for that. That’s why the best move to do at the end of the season may be to offer up a hefty dose of closure but also still give you at least something more to cling to for a possible season 2. You definitely don’t want to rule that possibility out, but you also don’t want to leave anyone hanging, either.

For us, possibly the best way to do this would be to find a way to bring in Tal and take him down — at least for now. Meanwhile, you can find a way to introduce a new adversary in season 2, or just come up with some other sort of unique way to properly utilize this character.

By the time the finale ends up airing, you’re probably going to know one way or another the status of season 2. More than likely, that will greatly impact your viewing of it — for us, we’re just hoping that the story is so immersive that for one reason or another, you’re going to have a chance in order to enjoy it, free of distractions.

For some other news when it comes to The Enemy Within…

Be sure to visit the link here right now! We’ll have more coverage soon.

What do you want to see when it comes to The Enemy Within episode 12, and how do you imagine this season is going to end? Share right now in the comments! (Photo: Fox.)

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