Blue Bloods season 9 episode 21 video: Will Jamie gets Eddie’s dad out?

Blue Bloods season 9

Coming up on Blue Bloods season 9 episode 21, Jamie Reagan has come up with a bright idea for his wedding to Eddie … but let’s just say that this idea’s got a serious flaw in the works.

In the sneak peek, Jamie passes along some big news to Erin and Danny, the sort of news that would cause all of the hair to fall right off their heads — he wants to get Eddie’s father Armin out of prison in time for the big wedding. This is a big move — a big, risky move, mostly because he’s got this brilliant idea that he doesn’t want to tell her about it ahead of time.

Why in the world would Jamie opt to not tell his bride-to-be about this big moment in advance? Well, in his mind, he thinks that this would be some big, wonderful surprise, but he’s also thinking about an innocent guy who has never been married and also has never been through some of the stuff that Eddie has gone through. He doesn’t quite understand some of what’s under the bridge entirely. Even if she’s been working on trying to have a better relationship with her incarcerated dad, it’s one thing to have that and another to actually have him at her wedding.

Remember another important thing about Armin here — he’s not just someone who’s been in the slammer. He’s also a known scam artist! Eddie’s mother Lena still faces abuse because of some of his actions and because of that, he’s not the easiest sort of person to be around. His presence at the ceremony could bring some less-than-favorable attention to a ceremony that is meant to be about romance, vows, and all sorts of other happy stuff. It’s a distraction, and maybe Eddie doesn’t want that on her big day.

Luckily, it does seem like Erin and Danny have talked a little bit of sense into Jamie and that he’s going to do the right thing and tell Eddie about what could be a disaster. If that happens and she axes it, at least that keeps him from falling on his face. In all honesty, TV weddings are often stuffed FULL of crazy, head-turning moments. Why would you want to add another if you can avoid it? This at least needs to be something that Jamie THINKS about … the guy’s been on so many operations and missions over the years that he should know stuff doesn’t always go according to plan.

Do you think there’s any chance that Eddie is going to want this? Be sure to share right now in the comments!

(Photo: CBS.)

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