‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 4: Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder glam in cast photo

Can you believe that we are now only five days away from the return of “The Vampire Diaries” to television? With that in min, it really only seems appropriate that we share a new image below that is the latest one to promote the new season.

Do we have some questions that inevitably come out of this image, which was first posted by Entertainment Weekly? Sure. For one thing, it really appears as though Nina Dobrev’s character secretly doubles as a high fashion designer. We have no idea how she manages to get as many of the fantastic outfits that she does, but our newest vampire certainly looks ready for a photo shoot in Vogue based on the image alongside her co-stars. As for some of the other heroes in here, there are many; but we do especially like the looks that both Ian Somerhalder and Kat Graham have in the images.

What is a little bit more interesting here is how in this photo for whatever reason, such players as Daniel Gillies (Elijah) and Candice Accola (Caroline) both seem to be at least partially cut off here, though we do love the fact that producers are finally making sure to give Elijah plenty of love this time around. Despite Gillies being busy in part thanks to the NBC drama “Saving Hope,” we do already know that he is going to be a much larger presence through at least the early part of this season, though that could change later on due to some of his other professional commitments.

Stay tuned: as we get closer to the show actually premiering, we are going to have even more content worth sharing from the world of Mystic Falls.

Overall, what do you think of this cast photo? We want to hear some more of your thoughts with a comment below!

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