‘Game of Thrones’ season 3 ‘trailer’: Winter is animated (with fake spoilers)

Do you want a completely unrealistic look at what is probably not going to happen on the upcoming third season of “Game of Thrones”? If so, we have just the trailer for you! Of course, we should also warn you in the process that this video spoofs a good many elements of the show that are pretty graphic in nature.

This video comes from the crazy minds of Japanese animation studio NMA.tv, best known for churning out all sorts of strange, crazy, and potentially offensive videos about anything and everything related to pop culture. In this mock trailer, we have such weird things showcased as Tyrion Lannister having the sort of funt hat we know he enjoys, multiple demon babies crawling out of Melisandre, and a direwolf getting revenge on Joffrey over what he did during season 1. (Oh, revenge.) As for whether or not you find any of this hilarious, it all depends on your tolerance for cheesy animation, and whether or not you want to see some of your favorite characters get mocked in a ridiclous way.

The one element that this “trailer” does get right about season 3 is its premiere date: March 31, 2013. We know that Tyrion and Joffrey are going to indeed have the sort of enormous roles that you would expect them to play after the Battle of Blackwater, but it is certainly not going to play out quite in the way that you would expect based on this. (Granted, we don’t think any sane person would take this video seriously.)

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