Big Brother Canada 7: Was Kyra Shenker or Maki Moto evicted?


Tonight, Big Brother Canada 7 held its second eviction of the season and there were two players at the center of it: Kyra Shenker and also Maki Moto. One is heading out the door to greet Arisa Cox (and join all of the people online currently dragging Adam and Sam). Who will it be? Throughout this article, we’re going to dive into that and, of course, a lot of other stuff … including apparently Wendy’s.

Here’s the thing with the product integration tonight — as much as we do enjoy seeing Karen and #ThatKevinMartin back on the show again, there was so much flip-flopping and game-talk that it would’ve been nice to get more of that rather than a glorified five-minute commercial. We love Wendy’s, but we also don’t need Canadian reality television to convince us to eat it. (Yeah, we do understand that this is the way the show has funded, but we’d rather see a branded HoH Competition than a lengthy segment that amounted more than “eat your burgers.”)

Entering the eviction, Kyra seemed like the obvious choice — they’d sapped a lot of energy out of the house as of late and beyond that, Maki had a lot of allies. Maki’s biggest enemy in this game is … well, Maki. He finds a way to continue to put himself in trouble. Take, for example, Maki telling Dane that he could be a target in the event that he gets himself in power. Why do that? Sure, there’s being honest, but there is also being wise for your game. It may be fair to nominate Dane but you gotta keep stuff to himself. Maki made a lot of gaffes during this week, including some that weren’t on the feeds, and we really have no choice but to blame him for his own demise, if it happens.

Kyra also stepped their game up to a certain degree, trying to find a way to get closer to Adam — she already was close to Chelsea and, in turn, Chelsea was close to Sam. Dane was really the only one in the dominant alliance who had some big-time issues with them. Kyra doesn’t deserve quite as much credit as they were willing to give themselves, but she didn’t detonate her own game, either.

The eviction itself

Kyra did their part in order to give a good speech, and then Maki went up to declare that he was the “music in a house of whispers.” The guy is completely out there, and that is why he is such good casting for this show.

Here’s the crummy thing — a lot of times, the grade-A characters are the ones who are sent out the door. The vote was actually tied 5-5, and it was then Dane who came in, broke the tie, and chose to get Maki out of the game. The best part was Maki doing his best Mercutio from Romeo & Juliet on the way out — a plague on the house!

The new HoH

This competition was all about who paid attention the most during a “training mission” — it was really just all about true/false statements. There’s a bit of a crapshoot quality to this, but also strategy since you can target big threats with every round.

Chelsea ended up winning, and that in itself doesn’t make us all that excited in what’s coming. We really wanted to see the underdogs pull this one off since so far, the Pretty Boys + Sam, Kyra, and Chelsea have been in control of most of the game.

What did you think about the Big Brother Canada 7 finale overall? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: Global.)

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