The Flash season 5 episode 17 spoilers: ‘Time Bomb’ & Nora’s big reveal

Flash season 5 episode 2

The Flash season 5 episode 17 may not be coming until March 19, but we feel confident that we can go ahead and ring the alarm: This is going to be a big episode. This is the one where, finally, the truth could be revealed about Nora West-Allen and the not-so-great time that she’s spent with Eobard Thawne in the future.

Related The Flash video – We have a tendency to talk about this show in video form (why wouldn’t we?), and you can see a recent discussion below! If you dig this, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and be sure to bookmark our official show playlist!

Before we do anything else, let’s just go ahead and share the official The Flash season 5 episode 17 synopsis — think of this as us setting the stage for all of the discussion we’re going to have after the fact:

NORA DECIDES TO TELL BARRY AND IRIS THE TRUTH ABOUT THAWNE – Team Flash finds out that a suburban mom named Vickie Bolen (guest star Catherine Lough Haggquist) is in danger and they race to save her. Upon meeting her, they discover she’s a meta-human who is hiding her abilities from her family. Barry (Grant Gustin) encourages Vickie to share her secret with her family, which makes Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) realize she needs to come clean with her parents about Thawne (Tom Cavanagh). Rob Greenlea directed the episode written by Kristen Kim & Sterling Gates (#517). Original airdate 3/19/2019.

The first thing that is (obviously) worth noting here is that Nora’s not going to be revealing the secret until this episode — which is somewhat surprising in that the writers are waiting this long to give you this story that’s been dangling over us for most of 2019 so far. We’re bracing for some sort of Barry/Eobard confrontation and all indications suggest that it is coming this season … or at least that Barry could visit her future timeline. This could be where a lot of that kicks off.

The lack of a Cicada mention in this episode also makes us wonder something else: Is he gone at this point? We know that the writers have a few different things that they’re looking at come the end of this season.

1. Eobard – How much to do you choose to emphasize this version of the character? You do have to wonder if Eobard’s endgame here is to manipulate time so that he finds his way back into Barry’s present-day timeline to cause havoc in his life once more.

2. Nora – How long do you keep Jessica Parker Kennedy on this show? The challenge with her is that she’s not meant to be in this world and eventually, you have to think that she’s going to need to go back to her own world and her old life. She can always revisit … though screwing with the timeline does produce some rather unfortunate aftereffects sometimes.

3. Godspeed – We haven’t mentioned him in this article, but we did discuss recently his upcoming appearance. Despite him being a fairly-recent comic character, there have been clamoring to feature him prominently on the show. Could he be the season 6 Big Bad and the writers are setting this up now? Or, are we going more in the direction of Red Death, who was already set up in a pretty-awesome way?

Regardless of what Team Flash (the team behind the scenes) decides, it’s going to be nice to get Nora’s secret finally out in the open.

What intrigues you about The Flash season 5 episode 17 on paper?

Be sure to share some of your first thoughts below! (Photo: The CW.)

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