ABC’s ‘Castle’ review: Back to you

While there was a good percentage of this week’s edition of “Castle” that was about reading the news, there was also one other theme that was more or less present throughout the hour: how does someone keep a relationship secret in a very high-profile world? Castle and Beckett started this episode off by reaffirming that they wanted to ensure that their secret stayed safe for a little while longer. Why? It was really the classic case of them not only wanting to keep their relationship special, but also that they did not want to jinx anything by having their relationship revealed to the masses before they were really ready to do so.

Unfortunately, these two found out during “Cloudy with a Chance of Murder” that this was not as easy as it seems. While they were busy trying to figure out who was responsible killing the lead meteorologist at a local weather station, Lanie was quick to figure out that Beckett had a “glow” about her thanks to being in a relationship. Meanwhile, a local entertainment reporter decided that Castle’s presence at the station was a prime opportunity for her to take advantage of the situation by haranguing him into going out with her on the air. One thing led to another, and we eventually had the photo above play out on screen (except with her eventually wearing even fewer clothes). The good news is that Castle used this “time” to figure out who the killer was; the bad news is that Beckett walked in at the worst possible time after he accidentally fell victim of a tragic “butt-dial.”

Beckett was understandably upset, but the two parties ended up eventually working things out by just saying that even in the worst-case scenario, they would just not work together but could still be in a relationship. They haven’t kissed again yet, but we’re betting that she will get a certain reporter out of her head soon enough. As for some other news on the relationship front, Ryan and Esposito are pals again! And to think, all it took was Ryan taking a punch from a ridiculously large man in order to make it happen.

What did you think about this episode?

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