Blue Bloods season 9 episode 13 review: Eddie’s dress; Danny & the psychic

Blue Bloods season 9

Tonight, Blue Bloods season 9 episode 13 delivered an episode that is all about judgment — and whether or not the Reagans are too trained to see the bad in people. Is there another way sometimes?

One of the main stories at the heart of this hour was Frank being forced to take on the Catholic Church and the Archdiocese, someone who he typically has a close relationship to. What happened here? Well, it turns out that the man of faith knew of someone who received a prominent award thanks to Frank’s recommendation. With that being said, Frank didn’t actually recommend anyone. This guy was a grifter who made the entire story up. Frank had to figure out how to take the guy down, or whether he even should take the guy down. Frank’s predisposition was that this guy was out for himself and was selfish; yet, he claimed that his charity was doing good things and, beyond this, that Frank’s “recommendation” helped him to get his foot in the door.

Because Frank did realize that this guy was actually helping people and doing good work with the charity, he came up with a compromise — he decided to go light on a sentence, mostly because he felt him worthy of a second chance. Yet, he had to be on the straight and arrow.

Erin had to pose some similar questions tonight when it comes to Jack: Could she really trust him? She started to wonder that when she learned that the woman she was trying to help was actually Jack’s ex. She wondered if this was him taking advantage of her position and being dishonest when it was instead that he actually wanted the right person for the job. It also turned out that this woman dumped Jack, mostly because she wouldn’t stop talking about her.

For Jamie and Eddie, we saw a rare occurrence this season: The two of them working together! What we saw tonight started with the two doing whatever they could to figure out who was selling bad insulin to a parent who couldn’t afford it via some other means. They were able to get answers, but beyond that, Eddie showed the size of her heart — and also how she didn’t necessarily need a super-expensive wedding dress. While it was a wonderful dress, she opted to give some of the money for it to a worthy cause: Making sure that medical care was easier for some people who needed it most.

Danny’s surprise

Danny met a medium tonight who proved important at least as a key witness to his case with Baez, one that had a tense stand-off and the suspect ended up dying. Yet, in the end we think her impact came more in what she told him about Linda — that she misses and loves him more. It doesn’t really matter if Danny believes her; it matters that he heard it.

CarterMatt Verdict

Tonight’s Blue Bloods was about forgiveness and understanding, even if there were some conflicts that came into play over the hour. It was nice to see a brief wedding storyline for Eddie, but also good that we had some echoes of Linda courtesy of the medium and also something for Erin and Jack.

What did you think about Blue Bloods season 9 episode 13 overall? Share right now in the attached comments, and stay tuned for some other news.

(Photo: CBS.)

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