Celebrity Big Brother 2 live feed spoilers: Endurance competition coming; Tamar’s decision (day 10)

Tamar Braxton

In today’s early-afternoon Celebrity Big Brother 2 live feed update, we come bearing some more news on what’s going to happen tonight.

New Celebrity Big Brother video – Check out some more thoughts on the latest live feed coverage in our video at the bottom of this article! Meanwhile, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube so you don’t miss out on any of our live feed scoop this season and be sure to check out our Celebrity Big Brother playlist.

First and foremost, let’s talk about the eviction. It’s been finalized this morning that Jonathan Bennett is going, even though there was a little bit of doubt and discussion over it last night with Tom Green questioning the move. With Jonathan gone, Ryan Lochte doesn’t have a sounding board and this move is just as much about limiting his power as it is anything. He and Jonathan are just too formidable together and the former Mean Girls star tried to do too much way too quickly this season e had just managed his alliance a bit better instead of blindsiding them, none of this would likely be happening.

This vote is even looking to be a little bit more unanimous than almost anyone thought coming into this episode, with Tamar Braxton also realizing that she was better off voting with the house instead of trying to isolate herself and take out Kandi Burruss on her own with zero support. Suffice it to say, this is the right move for her to make … that that she really has a lot of other moves to make here outside of her personal issues with Kandi away from the game.

An endurance competition is coming!

It’s been announced already via CBS that we’re going to see some sort of epic battle tonight, so we’re going to watch that play out plus a number of other things including the exit of Anthony Scaramucci and then also another Power of Veto / Veto Ceremony. There’s going to be a lot crammed into an hour’s worth of airtime and we’re actually a bit surprised that they will be able to cram all of it in.

When you think about endurance, you automatically have to think that the Olympian Lolo Jones will have an advantage … of course, depending on what the challenge is. Both she and Natalie Eva Marie are in great shape, but you cannot write off Joey Lawrence or Ricky Williams either. Odds are, the competition won’t be catered to any one person’s skill set, but we obviously think that the more athletic people are going to have an advantage. Yet, it would be interesting to see someone unexpected like Kandi really fight for her spot in the game knowing that she’s been a target.

Related News Check out our morning live-feed update here!

Where do you think that things are going to go on Celebrity Big Brother 2 moving forward? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: CBS.)

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