What Designated Survivor season 3 needs more than anything else

Designated Survivor season 2 episode 2

As many of you know at this point, we’re still waiting to see Designated Survivor season 3 arrive on Netflix. As a matter of fact, we’re probably going to be waiting for many months still! Filming is still underway on the previously-canceled show and we’re excited to see just what the writers come up with here.

Related Designated Survivor video! – Check out some more thoughts on the series getting saved below! Also, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news — you don’t want to miss any of our other scoop!

For the sake of this article, we’re going to assume that we’ve got an amazing season coming around the bend. The question that we’re going to wonder here is simply this: What’s the most important thing when it comes to the show’s success otherwise? Is it the lineup of guest stars, the marketing, the subject matter, or something else entirely? While we do think that all of these things are important, we’re actually going to argue here that timing is the thing that may matter more than anything else when it comes to determining the future of Designated Survivor on Netflix.

Let’s put things in an even-simpler way: We need the show to come out at a time in which it stands out.

The words “peak TV” were first unleashed upon the world in a major way by some programming executives over at FX, and over time it’s become all the more perfect to describe this hyper-competitive industry. There are so many shows these days that it’s impossible to see all of them, and it’s easy for some hidden gems to get a little bit lost in the shuffle. We do have a genuine fear that this could happen with Designated Survivor and we certainly don’t want to see that happen.

With that, we hope first and foremost that Netflix waits to release the show until after the traditional network season is over in May. Meanwhile, it shouldn’t be released on a week where there are a number of other major streaming shows put out into the world — there are some weeks these days when Netflix is releasing two or three scripted properties, like this one where we had both Friends From College and Sex Education come out.

If we had it our way, we’d argue that Netflix should either take advantage of a quiet Memorial Day Weekend window to launch Designated Survivor or due so around the Fourth of July in order to take advantage of the spirit of patriotism for a show all about politics. If you can use the date, plus a lack of major competition, to stand out further, why wouldn’t you want to do that? It’s just something that makes perfect sense?

Related News Be sure to get some other news right now when it comes to Designated Survivor

Do you think Designated Survivor is going to succeed in the third season? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: ABC.)

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