Blue Bloods season 9 episode 7 review: Was Linda Reagan murderd?

Blue Bloods season 9

Tonight, there were so many huge stories on Blue Bloods season 9 episode 7 — and it led to one of the most awkward family dinners to date.

The episode kicked off tonight with the news that two officers were shot and in grave danger, and one of them just so happened to be Abigail Baker’s husband Brian. His life was on the line and because of the shooter’s history, Frank blamed the District Attorney’s office for them being out on the street in the first place, and Erin was angry that Frank ended up ruining her first press conference in her position. This was a tough situation, and it took more than just a family dinner in order to resolve things. Henry and her talked things out after the fact, and he reminded her that Frank was just doing his job. He wasn’t trying to sell her out or embarrass her, even though the hurt was still there. Erin and Frank, of course, found a way to patch things up.

As for the state of Baker and her husband, it turns out that Brian ended up being okay. He was recovering and breathing on his own by the end of the episode, and Baker was already starting to get back to some of what she does best: Work. She also made it clear to Frank that she appreciated him specifically visiting Brian in the hospital; it is a duty that he has fulfilled with many officers over the years, but it was different the moment that it impacted Baker herself.

Did Danny get the answers he so sought?

Tonight, Lou Diamond Phillips returned in a rather interesting way, as it turned out that Luis Delgado was very much alive. Not only that, but the higher-ups wanted to use him in order to take down some larger people in the cartel. Danny didn’t care all that much about that. Instead, he was more invested in finding a way to learn who hired him and keeping him locked up behind bars. He didn’t trust him and he certainly didn’t want to continue to work with him in any capacity. He just wanted to be able to move forward.

Well, did it turn out that Danny was right? Let’s just say that we had one of the most intense showdowns that we’ve seen for the character all season and this plan did not go as it was supposed to. Delgado was very much not to be trusted, or at least in appeared in the moment. He was able to use this planned meet / sting operation in order to bum-rush the cops and get away.

In the aftermath of the situation, Danny, Baez, and Agent Molina (who set up all of this in the first place) arrived to Delgado’s place to learn that he tricked them again. He set up his ankle monitor there and took off — but not before telling them that Linda Reagan was murdered and that it was a setup by the cartel. That’s your jaw-dropper for the week.

Jamie meets Eddie’s mother

The legendary Christine Ebersole came on board the show in the role of Eddie’s mother, which was interesting for a couple of different reasons. For starters, we actually heard someone refer to Eddie as “Edit,” her real name. Also, she made it abundantly clear that she wasn’t all too psyched that Jamie was dating a cop. She was convinced that this was a relationship that was beneath her and wanted something different for her … regardless of whether or not Eddie wanted that herself. Jamie visited her personally after the fact and made it clear that he was the right person for her and that she needed to understand that, even if she didn’t want to.

By the end of the episode, it turned out that Jamie and Eddie’s mom forged some sort of bond — on some level, maybe she approves of him, after all … even if he is not a doctor or a lawyer.

CarterMatt Verdict

Overall, we do think that Blue Bloods season 9 episode 7 delivered a great episode that balanced out some of the biggest stories of the season for several of the show’s different characters. There was something for everyone (heck, even Henry had a story) and we imagine that there is going to be even more good stuff coming down the line.

For Danny, though, there’s probably one word to describe how he’s feeling: Devastated, and the worst is still to come.

What did you think about Blue Bloods season 9 episode 7 overall? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments.

(Photo: CBS.)

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