Floribama Shore season 2 episode 11 preview: Is Nilsa leaving?


Monday night’s Floribama Shore season 2 episode 11 is an episode that is stuffed full of drama. For example, Jeremiah is dealing with a personal tragedy and figuring out how he is going to handle it. Meanwhile, there are arguments elsewhere, and one confrontation in particular could lead to Nilsa deciding that she wants to dip out before the end of the season.

In the sneak peek below, you can see Nilsa pick up the phone and make it very clear that she’s ready to head back home as soon as humanly possible. How desperate is she get out of there? She basically leaves all of her stuff inside the house and makes it clear that she’s not even interested in getting much of it back. We will say that this is a pretty smart move if she actually wants to hightail it out of there as soon as humanly possible. After all, this gives her the ability to just run away from the drama as soon as she possibly can before someone can convince her otherwise. (We know that producers can at times be rather persuasive.)

Of course, the question you’re still left to wonder is whether or not this exit is really permanent. We’ve certainly seem people depart these shows early (see Angelina from Jersey Shore), and we imagine that it’s tough to live with the cameras and all of the drama for an extended period of time. That’s something that takes a lot of patience in order to handle and not everyone, understandably, has that.

Obviously, though, it’s better for Nilsa’s long-term future in reality TV if she sticks around, given that we don’t get the feeling that Floribama Shore is going anywhere in the near future. While it may not be as successful as Jersey Shore, it’s absolutely a solid contributor and we have a hard time thinking it’s going to be going anywhere in the near future.

Related Check out some more news regarding Monday night’s Floribama Shore episode!

What do you want to see on Floribama Shore season 2 episode 11? Be sure to sound off below!

Also, remember to like CarterMatt on Facebook for more information regarding the series. (Photo: MTV.)

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