Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: The women’s alliance (the Man-Eaters) – day 29

Big Brother 20

Day 29 in the Big Brother 20 may have very well featured on its biggest swings of the entire season, and it is all courtesy of an alliance that could, in theory, end up working. A massive women’s alliance has just formed, and they’ve already even got a name: The Man-Eaters.

The alliance formed earlier today with Rockstar, Haleigh, and Kaitlyn in part leading the way. They’ve sense had conversations with Rachel, Sam, Angela, and others about finding a way to make this happen, including such details as voting to evict a man any time that he is on the block against a woman.

Ultimately, we do think that the guys put themselves in a position where something like this could happen, largely due to the fact that there are three guys going home, one right after the next, to start the season. Even if a woman gets evicted next week, Sam’s twist could save them and they could come right back.

Granted, we don’t think that the odds are all that high that this is actually going to work mostly because women’s alliances never seem to work in the game. They often fall apart at some point because it’s never best for everyone’s game to stick together. For example, if Kaycee, Rachel, Angela, and Sam go far with Kaitlyn, Haleigh, Bayleigh, and Rockstar, then you’re at a 4-4 divide. It makes sense for eventually one of these two groups to get some men on their team to start dividing up the numbers.

Still, if this alliance actually works (depending on who is in power) we can envision scenarios in which it gets down to the final eleven and we’ve got an 8-3 divide or something like that. Having a house full of all women would be a pretty bold move, but it’s also probably not the right one for certain players.

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