Claws season 2 episode 6 review: Desna lets the dress burn

Claws episode 7

Claws season 2 episode 6 could be described in many different ways, but we would proclaim that what this episode offered up more than anything else is a reminder that Desna doesn’t need to hide. She’s got her own inner strength and she needs to figure out the best way in order to fight it.

We should actually say that in terms of significant movement on the main story, maybe there wasn’t anything in this episode that will leave jaws hanging on the ground. Yet, this wasn’t really an episode built around that concept. We feel like the writers knew that they were going to end the episode with Desna burning the wedding dress and realizing that she was ready to fight Zlata to the best of her ability. They just needed to figure out along the way how in the world they were going to make that possible. Most of this episode was all about finding a way to get this story to this particular point.

With that, we had a chance for Desna and Dean to run away from their homes and visit a woman who helped take care of them so many years before. It was there that Desna realized that those words of affirmation she was told many years ago were really just that: Words. They had no deeper meaning beyond that. She had to find a way to find her inner strength within herself and by the end of the episode, she uncovered that. She’s now more capable of playing along with Gregory, keeping what she knows a secret, and striking when the iron’s hot.

She does also realize, though, that she is not going to be able to achieve anything without some help. That’s why she is already recruiting others in order to ensure that some of her bidding gets done. Take, for example, us getting a chance to see Uncle Daddy involved more, really to the point where he is staying with Polly, who is relishing her role leading a criminal enterprise and seems to be on the path to all sorts of bad consequences.

In terms of completely-absurd stories, this episode of Claws also brought some of those out in full force thanks mostly to what we had a chance to see with Jenn, who managed to magically cure Bryce via sex in the hospital. Who knows? Maybe this sort of weird, wacky experience brings the two of them closer together.

CarterMatt Verdict

Claws season 2 episode 6 was a great episode for Desna when it comes to finding herself once again — and also for us getting to know more of Desna and Dean’s backstory. While it does falter somewhat from the past couple in terms of jaw-droppers or emotional stunners, it did a good job of furthering along the story and preparing us for what’s coming up next.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Claws, including a preview for next week’s episode

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Meanwhile, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other news when it comes to Claws for the rest of the season and beyond. (Photo: TNT.)

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