Sharp Objects episode 2 video: What’s next (and what’s beyond that)

Sharp Objects episode 1

Want to know what’s coming both on Sharp Objects episode 2, coupled with the remainder of the season? We’ve got a new trailer via HBO, and we think that it does a good job as to cluing us in to some of the many mysteries ahead.

In this video, you get a sense as to how hard Camille is going to go in her investigation, but at the same time just how far some other characters are going to go in order to set up roadblocks along the way. While there may be many who make proclamations about wanting justice and the like, there are secrets that so many in this community seem to be invested in hiding … really to the point where they will do whatever they can in order to do so.

Sharp Objects episode 2 should do a good job in many ways of opening up the world, of showing us many different characters in addition to Camille’s relationship to them. Yet, at the same time we imagine that it will also do a good job of showing the resistance that is there within the town as well as new secrets and mysteries. Through the course of the story, we imagine that Amy Adams will be nothing short of phenomenal, but we have a hard time imagining that this is going to be seen as a surprise to anyone. She was great in the premiere and with a performer of her caliber, we imagine that everyone involved is committed to giving her great material.

As the season goes along, there’s one thing that we also anticipate: Great ratings. We feel like there are going to be even more people eager to check this show out overtime once they start to hear more of the buzz around both it and Amy’s performance. Think along the lines of what happened with True Detective.

Related Be sure to get some more news related to Sharp Objects

Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook to see even more updates on Sharp Objects, as there will be many more that we’ll be presenting throughout the season. (Photo: HBO.)

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