What Lucifer season 4 renewal demonstrates with saving shows in 2018


We’ve had a little stretch of time now to celebrate one of the most glorious underdog stories of the past year: Getting to see Netflix order a Lucifer season 4. It was something that was very hard to gauge throughout the campaign to bring the show back; there was always hope, but there was also not at the same time that much of an indicator as to what the most-likely suitor would end up being.

Now, though, there’s no more cause for worry and we can just hope that season 4 for Lucifer is just the beginning of many more fabulous years for the show. But what can we take away from this particular campaign and apply to efforts to renew / save shows elsewhere? We do think that there are a couple of different things.

1. Tweet volume – Back when Longmire was revived at Netflix years ago, one of the main strategies that went into making that happen was coming up with new hashtags almost every week to raise the odds of the show trending. While Lucifer fans did change up hashtags here and there throughout the campaign, it was more about just boosting the total number of tweets on a couple of specific hashtags. That way, they could boast about these hashtags getting extremely high numbers — which was a major feather in the series’ cap.

2. Dedication over a long period of time – While it can be exhausting to constantly tweet out various things and rally to save a show for weeks, it certainly can prove to be worthwhile. Had Lucifans been outraged for a few days after the cancellation and moved on, we’re not entirely sure anything would have happened. Yet, because the campaign persevered through times of doubt and uncertainty, that showed a lot to EVERY potential home out there, not just Netflix.

3. Support from the cast matters – While actors don’t have any sway in negotiations to bring a canceled show to another network, they can serve as rallying forces for fans behind the scenes. The likes of Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Rachael Harris, and the rest of the cast deserve an infinite amount of credit for doing interviews, getting involved online, and making sure that they were a voice for many fans. This allowed the campaign to have a much larger presence, and the same credit must be given to Ildy Modrovich, Joe Henderson, and other producers behind the scenes.

4. Having everyone on the same page – This matters perhaps more than anything else. Even if everyone may have creative preferences on a show like Lucifer and can disagree over such things as favorite episodes/characters, everyone came together during the campaign from cast to crew to fans. There was a unified goal and mission and anytime a large fan following moves as one, that keeps things from being chaotic. In this case, that unification is largely one of the reasons why we’re getting a season 4. If other shows after cancellation have the audience and can unify in similar numbers, we’ve learned from Lucifer that anything is possible.

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Related Check out our new season 4 spotlight on Chloe Decker

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