Blue Bloods season 8: Celebrating the determination of Danny Reagan

Blue Bloods season 8

In today’s edition of our ongoing CarterMatt TV Heroes article series, the focus is deservedly on a show that recognizes heroes at almost every step in Blue Bloods. At the nucleus of this series is honor, duty, respect, and justice. Sometimes they don’t follow all of the rules to get it, but what matters most is finding a way to help people who need them the most.

Through eight seasons, this is the code that Donnie Wahlberg’s character of Danny Reagan has chosen to follow. He is determined in a way that few other cops are. He’ll lose sleep, put his life on the line, or even at times deal with some unsavory people if he means that he gets results. Many policemen are heroes, but he is the sort who goes above and beyond his job. The people he seeks to help are not just faces in the crowd. He listens to their stories, he relates to them, and he understands just what justice means to them.

At this particular point in his life, Danny can probably relate to some of these victims and families more so than ever before. He is working his way through his own grief following the death of his wife Linda, and he understands how much losing someone you love hurts. Yet, at the same time he also understands how important it is to continue to project heroism on the job. It isn’t just about being a good cop; it’s also about showing your children that life does go on and a tragedy doesn’t have to define you forever.

Being a hero also means that sometimes, you have to be willing to be unlikable even for a short period of time in order to meet your end goal. Take on this past episode, where Danny ended up taking over another cop’s case in order to get justice for a grieving mother. Do you think that Danny was the most popular cop within the NYPD? Probably not, but he also likely realized going in that this could be a consequence he ended up facing. He was prepared to take that on, just as he has also been prepared for a reputation of a rule-breaker and/or someone who gets treated unfairly because of his father. None of that matters to him. Justice does, and there are few other characters who achieve that quite like Danny does.

The power of Donnie Wahlberg

In the midst of some of Danny’s grief, anger, and sorrow this has been the best season to date for Donnie as an actor. He’s explored so many dimensions to this character and has shown that his determination can’t be shaken. This is a man in a heartbreaking situation trying to find a way to make things work, but through the love of his family and the devotion to the badge, he continues to find a way to press onward. This act alone makes him a hero that every viewer can relate to — Danny’s not giving up, and he still sees that life beyond the horizon.

What do you appreciate the most about Danny Reagan the character on Blue Bloods? Share right now in the attached comments!

(Photo: CBS.)

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