Outlander notes: Season 3 DVD is out; another season 4 tease

Outlander season 4 key art

Let’s kick off this Tuesday edition of CarterMatt Outlander notes with what is certainly some rather-great news: The season 3 DVD / Blu-Ray is now officially in stores!

If you love the show and of course want to support it, this is the best way possible to be able to do just that! This is a really great way for the studio to help monetize the show and that. in turn. could lead towards bigger budgets and also more opportunities to do great stuff in the episodes in the future. The reason why Outlander is able to be so epic in scope in the first place is because there are so many different revenue streams for it including these DVDs, the Starz airing, and some other merchandise that is out there.

Of course, there are reasons to buy this collection beyond just the fact that it features all thirteen episodes from this past season. There are a number of great bonus features in the collection, including deleted scenes and also a gag reel. There are also some features that help to tell the story of the season and show precisely how much of it is made.

If you do want to buy it, here’s a quick pro tip: Amazon is currently selling both the DVD and Blu-Ray for under $30. That’s a great deal for a season of a premium-cable show that just came out.

Related Be sure to check out a recent discussion revolving around Roger and Bree

The latest season 4 tease

This, of course, comes via the master of many season 4 teases in executive producer Maril Davis, who gives you another delightful edition of her “Heard on Set” series below. “I wondered whether you could still do that” is about as cryptic and delightful a tease as possible, especially since such a quote could be said in a number of different contexts. In some ways, this could be seen as flirty. However, in others we imagine it coming out of sheer surprise. Hopefully, we’ll get an answer one way or another in the months to come.

Remember, Outlander season 4 premieres on Starz a little bit later this year. Now that the season 3 DVD is out, there could potentially be more opportunities to hear about what is coming up in the future.

Want to get some other news when it comes to Outlander?

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