The Walking Dead season 8 episode 16 (finale) spoilers: All Out War

Walking Dead season 8 episode 16

Are you ready for The Walking Dead season 8 episode 16 to arrive on AMC in just one week? We’re gearing up for the big finale! This is when the All Out War between the Saviors and the local communities is going to be at its peak, and in the process, there could be an enormous loss of life. This is one of the biggest, most-emotional hours of the entire season and for good reason. It has to figure out how to wrap some of this up and try to set the course for whatever season 9 will be.

While it may be too early to say much of anything definite when it comes to the upcoming story, we will say this: Now feels like the right time for The Walking Dead to pivot and shake things up. We’ve had two seasons with Negan, just as we’ve also had many years now with Rick and the group living in Alexandria. It feels like time for a remix and to get the show a fresh coat of paint. If there are only a couple of years left (and there could be, based on the declining ratings), we want to see The Walking Dead go out with a bang more so than a whimper. We’ll still argue until we’re blue in the face that the best thing The Walking Dead can do is set an end date, but beyond just that establishing a new course for season 9 would be a nice start.

The Walking Dead season 8 episode 19 synopsis that CarterMatt has for you below gives you a fairly good sense as to what’s coming up next:

The communities join forces in the last stand against the Saviors as all-out war unfolds.

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AMC of course isn’t going to give a whole lot away about the Walking Dead finale in advance, but they don’t really need to given that the conclusion feels obvious. It feels pretty clear that there are going to be some character deaths and beyond that, it feels like there will be some bloody, gory sequences featuring walkers. We just hope that along the way, Scott M. Gimple and company remember that some of us want to see something more than just a zombie/Saviors killing spree. The character stories were how we were hooked into this show in the first place and we are ready to get back to that.

What do you want to see on The Walking Dead season 8 episode 16 and do you get the sense that we could have an epic cliffhanger at the end of all of this? Share right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other insight when it comes to the series. It’s a great way to stay up to date with all of our scoop on the show. (Photo: AMC.)


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