Why you should be excited for Timeless season 2 premiere

Timeless season 2 premiere photos

Timeless season 2 is coming back on NBC with new episodes starting on Sunday night, and we’re very much pleased to say that they are every bit as fun as you remember them. (Don’t worry: There are no spoilers within this article.)

Time-travel television is on the upswing, but at the same time it never fully went away. Doctor Who has kept that torch ignited for years and Timeless does have some of that show’s spirit of fun, comedy, and adventure. Yet, it is grounded in a deeper history, and over the course of the premiere you will see our heroes in Lucy (Abigail Spencer), Wyatt (Matt Lanter), and Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) travel back to World War I. The circumstances and timing of their visit to the past is something we’ll keep a mystery for now, but the show very much keeps the spirit of what was great about the first season alive within this episode. You have characters playing fast and loose with the rules of time travel, history incorporated in some surprising ways, and by the end of the episode your jaw is very much often on the floor.

Are all of the episodes historically accurate? There will always be people who try and quibble but what we’ll say is this: Timeless does a good enough job replicating history that you’re too immersed in the story to even pay attention to anything else. It’s a show that takes you on a thrill ride and you want to just ignore all of the noise and go along with it. It brings a smile to your face even when the characters are in danger, and there are few other shows out there that do that. It’s a rare breed in that it’s a drama with comedic elements that relies heavily on creativity to tell its stories every single week.

It may sound odd, but the best comparison for Timeless may actually be the classic video game Kingdom Hearts. Think about it. Every week, your main trio of characters travel to different “worlds” with a specific goal in mind. While there, they meet a character or two indicative of that world and team up with them in order to help save it. Granted, nobody on Kingdom Hearts had anywhere near the chemistry that Lucy and Wyatt have, but we still think it checks out.

If you loved season 1 of Timeless, absolutely you should check out season 2 — it’s more of what you love and a gift to everyone who kept the show alive. Even if you haven’t seen season 1, the premiere explains just enough that you won’t be lost and you can dive right in.


Timeless is great, and it should be one of the most addictive and entertaining series on this spring. We just hope that everyone out there watches it live and does their best in order to help ensure it gets a season 3.

Related Watch some sneak peeks for the Timeless premiere over here!

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