Outlander season 4 character questions: What’s next for Marsali Fraser?

Marsali Fraser

In many ways, Marsali Fraser is an Outlander character we are still in the process of getting to know. She made a handful of appearances near the end of the third season, and over the course of that she evolved. In the beginning, Marsali was a sheletered girl who spent most of her life being influenced heavily by Laoghaire — what they meant was that she hated Claire Fraser with the fiery passion of a million suns. Yet, by the end of the season the two developed a little more of a bond — they’re not the best of friends yet, but it’s good for them to get along given the fact that Claire is her mother-in-law thanks to the Fergus – Marsali wedding.

So what could be coming up next for Lauren Lyle’s character now that she is in America? In today’s edition of our weekly Character Questions series, we do our best to spotlight that further. (Note: There are no book spoilers ahead. read with confidence!)

1. Who does she want to be as a person? – Marsali is in some ways the 18th-century equivalent of the friend who goes off to college completely oblivious as to what sort of career she wants to have. She is still very young and with that, also very naive. She’s got a lot of things that she really needs to figure out but being in America could help her. While she does have constants in the form of her new husband and some family, she’s a world away from Scotland. No one influences her anymore.

2. A better understanding of her and Fergus’ history – We would like to get more of a sense as to their backstory and how they first became close, though we recognize this may be a bit of a pipe dream with all of the different stuff that is going on within this world.

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3. Obviously, more bonding with Claire – In general it would be nice to see Caitriona Balfe’s character have more female friends — while she may have to spend time looking after Marsali to keep her out of trouble, as she starts to mature there could be more of a common bond that forms here.

4. See Marsali become a leader – This effectively is when we know that the character’s transformation is complete. She goes from becoming an agitator to an inspirational figure to others.

Is Marsali more than just an adversary-of-sorts to Claire at sea and someone to extend the family at the center of the show? We believe so, and we’re excited to see Outlander dive into it a little bit more when new episodes premiere a little bit later this year.

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