Supergirl season 3 photo: First look at Mon-El in costume

Mon-El's costume

At one point or another, it seems like every person on Supergirl gets a costume! It’s a rite of passage for The CW series.

Want to see what Mon-El’s costume looks like without further delay? Well, we’ve got a first look at that for you in this article!

You can clearly see a smaller version of Chris Wood in costume above; meanwhile, take a look below for the fuller image. If we were to throw out there what our first reaction is to the costume, it’d be this: It’s sleek, but not altogether exciting. It feels a little bit like some of the other costumes we’ve seen as of late across the Arrow-verse. While we understand the need for dark colors (you don’t want anyone coming across as too hokey or cheesy), at the same time would it really be so bad for someone to be able to show a little more in the way of pizzazz? Why not let some of these characters have a little bit of fun? Sometimes these shows just go too dark and too boilerplate for some of the costumes — Mon-El’s costume needs a pop of red or something to make it stand out a little bit more. As of right now, we’d put this up there with the new look for Wild Dog as one of the more disappointing costumes that we’ve seen. (With Wild Dog, one of the big criticisms that we had of it was just that the original costume was so distinct and interesting that the new version saps somewhat of the soul out of the character.)

Here, we would’ve loved to see a little bit more red, or a little more of an obvious sign that Mon-El is a character who got more of his training from the future. Mon-El’s got such a fascinating story at this point, one that separates him from just about every other superhero out there. We would’ve loved to a greater reflection of this.

Related – See how Mon-El is going to be effective in the battle against Reign.

What do you think about Mon-El’s costume in Supergirl season 3? Be sure to share in the comments below right now!

Also, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook right now in the event you want some more news regarding this series, including some previews for some upcoming episodes. (Photo: The CW.)

Mon-El's costume

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